Network ownership resetting itself

the initial issue of this thread has been solved by myself

So i’m trying to make a bit of a driving thing, and the controls are not what’s important here.

What i’m doing:

	Character.Truck.CFrame =,Base.CFrame.p+Base.Velocity*,0,1),0,0))

the result:

this is desired behavior
the problem is how it replicates
because the server (and by extension other players) see this:

and i’m darned sure that network ownership is set.

while not Player.Character.Truck:getNetworkOwner() do

correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t CFrame replicate with network ownership?

ok, onto the new issue.
the network ownership is being reset on its own, despite the fact that SetNetworkOwnershipAuto is set to false.

how to correct this issue?

Out of curiosity, are you setting network ownership of anything that’s anchored?

I am not.
but it seems, that something is thinking it’s anchored or welded, as in frustration i wrote in

while wait() do

and it gave me this error:

[19:34:44.593 - Network Ownership API cannot be called on Anchored parts or parts welded to Anchored parts.]

EDIT: something seems to break if you bring the truck to a full stop, and then start to move it. probably something with sleeping parts or something.

Are you totally certain? Were you able to figure out what was causing that error? Is it possible that you have the model anchored, then welded then unanchored and this code is running before that process completes?

I am 100% certain. the model consists of 2 parts.
both of which are entirely made of smooth

something seems to break the game when waking a frozen part, that causes it to freak out like this.

EDIT: solution has been found. game freaks out if you use math.huge in any of the “max torque” settings of a Body Angular Velocity or a Body Gyro


This may be related to:

You mention that math.huge caused the issue with network ownership getting lost - but I experience a similar issue with BodyPosition + BodyGyro that seems to make the client lose network ownership of a part, and I do not use math.huge as force and no parts are getting anchored.

How did you solve this issue in the end?