I want to create the most efficient way of negating buoyancy of players in water. This means that a player will not float or sink but remain stationary at the current Y level.
I believe the best way to do this would be to set the density of all player parts to match water (which is
1.0). I have also explored adding up the mass and volume of the player parts to find the density mathematically (density = mass / volume).
I have tried following the information located here.
Here is the code I have written
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character
local equilibrium = 0.935 -- why does 1.0 not work?
local playerMass = 0
local playerVolume = 0
local HeavyProps = PhysicalProperties.new(
equilibrium, -- density
0.3, -- friction
0.5 -- elasticity
if not Character or not Character.Parent then
Character = Player.CharacterAdded:wait()
while #Character:GetDescendants() < 1 do
print("still waiting")
for i, v in pairs(Player.Character:GetDescendants()) do
if ((v:IsA("BasePart") or v:IsA("MeshPart")) and not v.Massless) then
playerMass += v:GetMass()
v.CustomPhysicalProperties = HeavyProps
if not v.Massless then
local volume = v.Size.X * v.Size.Y *v.Size.Z
playerVolume += volume
print("Player Mass: " .. playerMass .. " | Player Volume: " .. playerVolume)
print("Density: " .. playerMass/playerVolume)
How can I dynamically set this so any size and shape of player?