New Animation Editor Announcement

Does it happen if you open/close the animation editor and enter/leave play solo again?

has this just started today?

Yes, and no @EchoReaper, that didn’t fix the problem.

I’ll look into fixing this straight away - thanks for flagging this.

Hey EchoReaper, thanks for bringing this to our attention! Just need to get some clarification on a few things. Could you explain what you mean by pasting the last part you copied outside of the editor?

For the keyframe snapping issue, is the issue that it’s only snapping to the keyframe that is 0.001 seconds away and not the keyframe directly before it, or something else?

Not being able to select multiple keyframes to copy/paste or set their easing style all at once makes the workflow for this updated version quite unintuitive to me. Is there an available plugin of the old editor anywhere in the meantime (or any suggestions)?

Buildthomas made a copy of the older one that you can use, posted here:

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Repro steps:

  • Copy a part/model to the clipboard
  • Open the animation editor
  • Create a pose
  • Copy the pose with either Ctrl+Shift+C or the context menu
  • Press Ctrl+V

Pose is pasted

The part/model selected earlier is pasted, and the pose is not:

Of the two types of snapping the animation editor supports:

  • Timeline cursor snaps to certain increments (e.g. 0.1 seconds), regardless of whether there’s a keyframe at that time
  • Timeline cursor snaps to nearby keyframes, regardless of whether they’re on the previous snapping grid

this is an issue with the first. For some reason, the editor determined that it should snap to 0.494 on one occasion, and 0.495 on another occasion. Snapping should be determinant and always snap to the same position. It seems like the snapping math doesn’t have enough precision – there’s the issue of indeterminate results, but also the snap targets are way off mark. I can understand 0.19999 because of floating point, but some of these snaps are off by 0.006.

Takes up way too much window space, its buggy, and has a lot of issues. I will be going back to the original version. Some plugins just aren’t made to be widgets / docked. This is one of them.


All I see is image

But when I uploaded it, it works fine now! Thanks!

Fixed in both. There was another toolbar that said “Legacy Animations” that did have the buttons.

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Please fix, can’t make symmetric animations

Hey all, the ability to select multiple keys at once and move/drag them should be live now!

We’ve got another batch of requests and bug fixes that we are working on for the new Animation Editor (including being able to edit multiple easing options at once and keyframe markers) that should be released within the next two weeks.



As far as everything I’ve tried, I noticed that there is no option to have keyframes snap at specific increments, I think it’s great that you can freely move keyframes at whatever point on the timeline you want, but it would still be incredibly useful to have an option to snap keyframes at specific increments.

Another thing that I feel is missing with this update is the inability to select a row of keyframes with just one click. Currently you need to manually select each individual keyframe one by one if you want to edit a whole row, having a feature that allows you to select a row of keyframes is a quality of life improvement I would find to be helpful.

An example of how this could be done:

The orange diamonds being the “Select all” keyframes displayed on the “HumanoidRootPart” row.

We are going to add snapping to pose movement and it will work just like the scrubber soon. Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

As for selecting a row, can’t you just zoom out completely and then select all those poses in a row by dragging?

I tried drag selecting keyframes but I couldn’t seem to get it to work, maybe I was doing something wrong? I assumed I had to hold CTRL and drag but it didn’t work, just clicking and dragging initiates the keyframe movement so that didn’t seem to work either, is there a specific way I need to do it to drag select keyframes?
I also tried to just click and drag from the side without directly interacting with the keyframes, but nothing seemed to happen, maybe I was missing something.

It should just be click-and-drag on any of the joint timelines. However, if you click where a keyframe is and then attempt to drag, then you will not be able to multi-select. Does this happen for you on a new/empty timeline?

It does yeah, but I just tested though and it works perfectly and its amazing, thanks :smiley:

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