New Animation Runtime Rollout - Upcoming Property Removal

This update is extremely harmful to 90% of games, even roblox’s default anim packs are being blended incorrectly at lowered walkspeeds.

I have applied Roblox’s new weight method yet still my animations are completely broken from the update. The property that was removed entirely fixed it, however that is no longer an option. Why was this property removed? It’s not like it was costing studio to have this property.


Oh no, this ridiculous update broke so many people’s things! If only this could have been forseen.


this update sucks

please revert it

at least make priority an integer


Because on this platform we don’t get to say our voices. We never have gotten our voices heard, because they want Mobile devices to be the priority by breaking all the good games for money. :+1:


It would be cool if in the future Roblox avoids as many breaking changes such as this in the future.


You don’t have to re-upload them. If priority of animations is the problem, you can change it by code. You can also stop previously played animations by code so they won’t overlap. There are multiple ways you can go about it. If you never cared enough to implement a few lines of code to ‘fix’ the issue, i’m sorry, it’s not Roblox’ fault.

Wait what? Why for any reason would this be removed? I though backwards compatability was one of ROBLOX’s main weights when it comes to making big changes.


This causes more problems than it solves.
Please revert this change.


this would have been much better if it stayed as an opted-in property.

now almost all animations look wonky in my game & I have to go through the tedious process of going through every script that handles an animation. (if that even fixes it)

goodluck to other devs having to do the same thing. :face_exhaling:


This update is really bad now that it is forced

I am completely fine with the new behavior, I can use it the issue is that the devs really just thought of giving us 8 priorities for this, why not just use numbers for priorities and we can just make as many priorities as we need I dont understand why is this not a feature.

If you are asking why so many priorities it is because they made the awfull decition of make it so when you stop the previous animation track and play the new one it looks janky and awfull, The reason they made this like this is just beyond me it makes absolutely no sense as it is the logical way of doing it

And also being unable to turn the weight to 0 in case we want our anims to not blend.

Literally this update has so many weird things happening like sometimes my punch animation track trying to blend with itself or not playing fully despite me having stopped it before playing it again, or trying to play animations with no fade (because some games need to do this) not working or Adjusting the speed of the track doing nothing.

A good update implemented awfully.


thank you guys ! ! this really fixed everything and totally didn’t break the mere transition between the walk and idle when stopping to move and totally didn’t break my game’s crouching animations ! !

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Are you using the intended behavior, because if so im really dissapointed they made an update that does not works properly even whene used as intended.

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You cant stop the previous animation, thats the problem with this update

They literally said setting the weight of an animation to 0 or stopping it before playing the next one results in animations looking weird.

I had it disabled before they forced it, so I’m not really doing this the way Roblox intends currently. My game’s movement animations are replacements of the default Animate script animation IDs, with a few extra functions like a landing animation and crouching. I might try to fix the crouching walk animation by changing the priority, but the walk to idle issue is still baffling.

this is breaking my game’s animation horribly please fix it or add my games to a blacklist

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That “Quick and simple” only applies to roblox’s engine code, not actually making games and projects using roblox.
I really struggle to see how this new blending for animations is any better than the previous system which was way more predictable and easy to use.


sry im not gonna bother fixing all the animations in my game for this now that they look so odd

hope this is reverted or they add it back as it was, when we could disable or enable it


This was unnecessary. Please, we need this reverted. The optional property was good.


I’m also calling for the return of the flag to turn this off, some games have hundreds, if not thousands of animations that we’ll have to go adjust the weight for, and even then it doesn’t work fully and just looks bad.


Thanks for giving game developers homework. Now I have to figure out how to fix this mess you’ve created. Not cool at all. Please just keep the opt-out functionality.