New Audio API [Beta]: Elevate Sound and Voice in Your Experiences



second this for sure. there are many instances where we want to limit or localize sound to a small area or for a specific behavior. not being in control of this makes things a lot more difficult

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This is great but would be better if we could get voice captions (get the words the players say from input) and then would be useful for voice command features using that and more interactive controls to the game like to interact with a ouija board inside a horror game by asking it’s age, name etc of the sprint through your voice chat or even anything else!

(What I meant is something like Speech to text so that players could interact with NPCs or other things via voice)

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Very interesting that wires are used for this, is there a reason why we couldn’t have skipped the middle man? Also, I thought this screenshot was relevant.


Isn’t that already done. The walkie talkie would function similar to a phone and you can use the AudioAnalyzer to make the voice meter

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While that is true, audio can do a whole lot more than visuals if they’re not careful about something like that.


This new update is good but using it is quite complicated to use way too many stuff to add and to connect is there any way to make this work easy and not complicated to use? i understand if its a no i understand the effort you all put in the update


TremoloSoundEffect didn’t get an audio API equivelent, also rolloff not being built into AudioEmitter, meaning we need to script it ourselves with a fader.


I think a useful addition would be the ability to play a sound at an exact time without any delay

I have a game where the sounds are singular notes and they are played individually to create the music

However sometimes there’s a small delay and it sounds off beat


Yes, that is a good suggestion.


Could not have come at a more perfect time. Ty

Quick Question: Do effects stack similar to how an audio channel would for plugins in a DAW (where the audio source goes into an effect, the source is altered and continues down the chain) or do effects alter the main source all at once by creating copies and then, blend those together?

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another update to the intercom place, made the intercom speakers easier to set up and customize and made them not as loud so it doesnt blow out peoples ears

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you kinda already can with playback regions

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so this was a lie… (or i forgot to enable some setting cause it doesnt work for me)

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This is very useful for players to broadcast live events using Voice Chat, have their voice match the environment they’re in, and fidgeting with custom filters!

Nice update.

Will the default RbxCharacterSounds script be updated to use this API once it’s officially released?

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Sooner or later as in this is in beta.

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This is very cool!

But when will we be able to make audios public?


Hey Roblox! Can you make it so in the top right of your screen it tells you if your voice chat is on or not, because pressing ESC then looking at the chat is a lot harder and more tedious, also people might say things they don’t want to say on voice chat or personal things while it is on and they don’t know. The red dot at the top of the screen barley lets me know if I’m voice chatting so just make it that it shows when you press the new box thing on the top right, thanks!


Great update! I can’t wait to see how Roblox experiences implement these new features!

I agree with the post above posted by PlantTheGoat. In addition, I think it would be awesome if there was a shortcut key for toggling voice chat (At least I am pretty sure there is no shortcut for toggling voice chat).

Thank you for your patience!