New Audio API [Beta]: Elevate Sound and Voice in Your Experiences

I’m trying to make a phone where you can privately/group call people like friends so others wouldn’t hear in the game using this but how would I be able to have AudioDeviceInput active for the calls?


I want to change my Microphone Input in Studio :sob:




-- Seems like at the moment AudioPlayer is lacking some features. Nothing too hard to work around, but not working with ContentProvider:PreloadAsync, requiring a separate object to control volume and having no .Ended event are all somewhat annoying to have to deal with.


Is it only local?
I tried to replicate the walkie talkie simulation with phones but i could only hear myself, I even tried to make a public copy of the API test world but i could not hear anyone else outside me. Is it possible to hear other players?

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So epic! I remember trying it weeks before this announcement, didn’t do anything then but if it works now, then I can’t wait to make experiences that use voice data for things like monsters that can hear your sound or even possibly voice recognition using audio analysis! :smiley:

This is gonna be sickkkk!!

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issue i found: there is no audio listener nor audiodeviceoutput put in the current camera

if you can hear yourself then you probably connected it wrong

I’ve condensed this post into a digestible 24-minute video while demonstrating some cool implementations. You can watch it here. Happy developing! :wink:


Think you can add walkie talkies for your ‘squad’ of people maybe next? Trying to get the layout for that idea mapped out

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This is definitely great! This will improve the sound experience 100%.

How do you make the Handheld Walkie-Talkies work with Voice Chat?

Re-wire the audio device input to a audio emitter you put in the walkie talkie.

But can you make more than 2 walkie-talkies and when 1 person talks it will broadcast to all the walkie talkies like in real life?

So after experimenting with this new API, I have to say it’s really tedious that AudioPlayer instances don’t have their own built-in volume multiplier setting. This means that almost every time I want to play a sound it now requires two instances: one AudioPlayer and one AudioFader (technically three since you need a Wire to connect the two). This is really annoying, as AudioFader instances should ideally only be used for controlling the volume of a whole group of sounds at once.

AudioPlayer should definitely get its own volume control property before the beta is over.


I feel like something is missing from the API. There isn’t an AudioAmplifier API based on the images in the post. Please add this to the API before full release.

This will allow us to increase the volume of the Audio in our experiences.

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One more question? Can people without VC hear you if you were Broadcasting? Ex. Using an Intercom or from a speaker like singing at a virtual concert similar to sounds that use SoundService.

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I was testing stuff and someone sent me this



Yes, just have one audiodeviceinput, and have multiple wires that source from the input to the multiple emitters

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This was a greatly needed feature, I will be using this a lot. Thanks roblox.

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