New Batch of Animation Editor Goodies

Hey everyone, we’ve released some new animation editor features and fixes.

  • We now have keyframe indicators at the top of each keyframe. An indicator gets created whenever you create a new key at a new time. You can click on them select all keys in the keyframe at once, and right-click them to copy-paste the keyframe. They can also be drag-highlighted and moved, just like regular keys.

  • You can now edit multiple easing options at once through the easing options menu

  • Moving keys will now be snapped to whatever your snap increment is set to. The same goes for right-clicking on the timeline.

  • You should now be able to use the Set Intervals popup menu without any errors.

  • All popup windows have had a small style change to match the new editor design. We will be looking into updating them further in the future.

We are still working on various bug fixes and polishing the editor with new helpful features. This also includes a fix for the small keyframe time precision discrepancies that people have reported seeing. You can expect a fix for that soon. The wiki will also be updated soon with these new changes. Thanks!


I do not like the pop out style of the new animation editor, currently it takes up far too much space compared to the older animation editor. When having it popped out it’s weird to use and popping it in makes the FOV huge because the windows is so small and stretched out:

Compared to the old one:


Adding onto this the Save and Load windows are too big for the popup window, and require you to make it huge to so much as save/load an animation at all.

The new animation editor still has many many issues that need to be addressed and I won’t even consider using it until they are.


Popups should just be their own, separate widgets that float.

Can’t be addressed if you don’t mention what they are. Can you be sure to link to past posts of these, or clarify them if they haven’t been posted, so the engineers can confirm these are already concerns on their radar (and if not, add them)?


Indeed, studio team is working on this, and as soon as they have it ready, we will integrate it into the animation editor.


Does the animation editor currently support dark mode? If not, is this a planned update already for the animation editor?

Almost all these new improvements are based on feedback we have received from our developer community. Thanks everyone who gave us their feedback. We are actively working on improvements to the animation editor and we would want to know the pain points people are having so we can address them. We obviously cannot satisfy everyone and every developer can decide on their own what works best for them, but we will do our best :slight_smile:

We are also going to add some new exciting features to the animation editor in the next few months, so stay tuned.

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Yes, dark mode for the animation editor is coming very soon.


A fix for the Save and Load windows being too big, as well as the right click menu should be on the way! And if there are any remaining issues that are keeping you from using the editor that have not been mentioned so far, we encourage you to let us know that we can get them on our radar!


For a temporary hacky solution that sort of works, you can un-dock the animation editor widget, and re-scale the edges of the editor upwards and sideways to fill the top area of your studio to make it “seem” docked but it actually isn’t, this will give you the desired results when it comes to the screen FOV being affected, but it won’t change the fact that the editor is a bit bulky and takes a bit of screen space in general, but it works as a temporary solution for now.

Hey Digital_Boy,

Issues 1 and 4 will be worth looking into, thanks for brining them to my attention. Issue 2 is already on our radar and we are planning to address it! Issue 3 seems to be the most alarming. Can I get some more details about the model you are using? Are there multiple parts welded to the root?

I’d really like to get into this editor but currently moon animation suite is just better in every way(in my opinion).
Doesn’t take up your whole screen, easy on the eyes, more customization, more easing styles. More intuitive. You guys should take a look at it and see what ideas you can maybe pull from it. I know most people who use it seem to love it.

I can’t wait for the IK feature for this though. That will be extremely useful.

Sorry if my post seems like useless/unproductive ranting, I really appreciate your guys’ effort in revamping the old system. I can make a post later highlighting our personal pain points/why we much prefer moon for more constructive criticism/feedback.


stupid question incoming: how do i apply easing styles? i can’t seem to find them anywhere in the editor. they’re supposed to be in the right-click menu, correct?


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found it. there’s a scroll bar in the dropdown menu that i didn’t see. thanks.


Hey, I’ve been using the editor and I have to say most of my issues with it are gone by now. One thing I noticed that should be changed, though:

Currently, to rename a keyframe, you have to right-click one of the sub-nodes, instead of the top node. It would make a lot more sense for this option to be on the top node since it affects the entire keyframe.


Also, here’s another suggestion to the animation editor:
Being able to exit the editor without the pose being reset, to make it easier animating actions involving two characters, an example hand-to-hand combat, assassinations, ball passes, etc.

This could also work if we can animate two characters at the same time.


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