New Biome - Retro Game Poll

I’m still currently working on a new game project called “Conquest!” Today I want you to vote for a new biome for our new game. There are currently only one biome and it is called “Kings Hills”
King's Hills.PNG
Here are the new biomes to chose from:

This Biome is called “Dark Forest”
Here’s what this biome update features:

  • A new building “Library”
  • New Unit “Wizards”
  • New plant “Bitter Berry Bush”
  • New Plant “Red Mushroom”
  • New Plant “Pine Tree”
  • New Trap “Poison Darts”
  • New Landmark “Campsite”
  • New Item “Pine Sap”
  • New Item “Pine Cone”
  • New Item “Bitter Berry”
    And More!

This Biome is called Golden Desert"
Here’s what this biome update features:

  • New Unit “Bomb Cart”
  • New plant “Cactus”
  • New Plant “Prickly Pears”
  • New Plant “Barrel Cactus”
  • New Trap “Spike Trap”
  • New Trap “Landmine”
  • New Hat “Cow Skull”
  • New Landmark “Oasis”
  • New Landmark “Pyramid”

And More!

Chose a biome for the new update!
You can only chose one so, chose wisely!
If the other biome didn’t win it will be featured next time.
Which will you chose?

  • Dark Forest
  • Golden Desert

0 voters

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The poll will end at the beginning of next week so chose wisely!

Why cant you do both, they are equally good ideas that people can get behind if you include it in the game, I think its a good idea to not do one but do all of them so you can give the player as much content as you can which most developers try to find other ways to balance the content.


Sorry @AttackyDaBuilder, I can only do one update at a time. Don’t worry as I mention in the post, if the other biome didn’t get to be picked, it will be included in the game in the near future.