New "Bloody Smash" Move

I present to you: Bloody Smash
A basic vfx/code move all custom made. This is like one of my first cuz Iā€™m pretty new to vfx at this point in time. Here is the demonstration:

Please rate it out of 10 and give me ideas to make it look nicer (suggestions). Feedback and constructive critisism is very much taken :slight_smile:
Have a nice day!

Sorry for the little bump, a bug occured.
There is now some new warp vfx at the bottom of the beam:

It looks good but looks less like a smash and more like an ascent

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Perhaps I should rename it in the game files huh
Alrighty thanks :slight_smile:

Which name might fit?

  • Bloody Spike
  • Rounded Beam
  • Uplift of Blood
    or if u got any ideas :man_shrugging:

Uplift of Blood is a good one imo

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