New Brightness Property for 3D GUIs

That’s it I’m switching to using 3D Gui’s, there’s just more effects for them.


However, a computer can only output colors up to 255,255,255. The color is baked into the texture, if you don’t want this then use SurfaceAppearance.

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Roblox has an HDR pipeline which can handle negative values and values above 255,255,255. They are tonemapped to LDR (0-255) before being output to the screen, but post processing effects like color correction, camera exposure, and bloom work on the HDR colors.

There is some color baked into the DiamondPlate texture, but it’s not like CorrodedMetal. i.e. it’s overlaid on top, if the color was allowed to be above 255,255,255, of course it wouldn’t display on screen but effects like bloom would pick up the extra brightness. Kind of like how Neon works, except it wouldn’t be completely textureless.


Roblox can handle valus more than 255,255,255. try it on a decal

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very awesome! i see some good uses coming from this in the future, ty roblox

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