New Builder Experiencing Difficulty in Studio

I’m having a problem with a build where there appears to be an invisible part or object blocking off the corner of the pool water. I am new to Studio and reasonably inexperienced. I’d welcome any suggestions regarding what I may have done to cause this problem and how best to identify the offending object and remove it.

  • What are you attempting to achieve?
    Remove the part blocking the corner of the pool off.

  • What is the issue?
    I built a pool surround out of 4 parts so that I could sink lights into it. It was fine initially and you could get into the water from anywhere. Then I changed the groupings of the lights in order to duplicate and extend them to fit round the perimeter. Since then there is an invisible part blocking the corner off stopping the player from entering and exiting the water in that corner. There is nothing in the workspace that is selectable in that area.

Anywhere else above the surface the player would fall into the water.
As you can see below the water the object reaches to the floor.

  • What solutions have you tried so far?
    Going through all items one at a time to try and select/identify it.

I have tried and tried to resolve myself but it continues to evade me, beginning to feel as though I should just start again.

My guess would be that there is an unanchored part floating around that is perhaps locked, to combat this, try to anchor all parts in workspace and see if it changes anything.

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Brilliant, thank you. I’ll give that a bash.

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Im guessing that worked for you, great. but another word of advice that will save you some googling. If you find yourself floating slightly above a union or mesh part, its probably because its collision boxes are weird. To fix an issue like that, you can go into properties and look up “collisionfidelity” and change it to precisecovexhull.


I did manage to sort it using the first method, but what you’re saying makes complete sense to me now. (Had a bit of a crash course over the weekend.) Thank you for your answer, that’s really valuable advice that I’ll save for going forward, because I will get in a flap again over something without a doubt.

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