I don’t know how to recreate it, but I asked one of my players whom the chat resize button broke all the time at UDim2.new(.5,0,.5,0) to try it on a changed setting of UDim2.new(1,0,1,0) and he said it wasn’t broken. If the chat resize button is broken, they can’t chat either, and the screenshots look like there’s additional text over the chat input box.
When ever I use a CommandModule that uses “util.IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE_PROCESSOR” (such as the Whisper Module), after I hit Enter on the chatbar, I am unable to Equip Tools by pressing “1” on the keyboard. Refocusing and losing focus on the ChatBar fixes the issue, However it’s still quite annoying.
This is really disruptive since I added my own TeamChat Module that does pretty much the exact same thing as the Whisper one but for Team Chat, which switching from Team chat to public chat and equipping and dequipping are extremely common in my game, causing confusion for my players when they can’t equip their Tool.
If someone uses OverrideCorescripts and, like me, hasn’t updated the “local corescripts folder” in a long time, you might want to do that. Otherwise, Start Server errors “Can’t find folder” for Modules/Server and Modules/Common.
So this is a bug with UserInputService.TextBoxFocusReleased not firing when when the TextBox is Destroyed inside the focus lost event. This code can reproduce it.
please please please add the option to disable all scripts from the new chat system. Ever since it was introduced, my game’s performance has tanked and half my players say the chat is completely broken for them (I use bubble chat + my own custom gui).
Miner’s Haven. As soon as the new chat system came out, tons of items in my game just broke instantly, including jump pads, “infusers”, ore cannons and ore teleporters. Players report that they press / and then chat is instantly unselected, and this has happened to me firsthand. After this happens the number hotkeys for gears also breaks
I have zero evidence to back this up, but I’ve noticed that when RemoteEvents are fired in high succession, it makes .touched events act up, delay or even break. I think this is why a lot of my game’s items that use .touched are now not working anymore.
Whenever I collect a crate or an ore goes into any of my furnaces, the chat is cleared and the chat bar’s focus is lost. That is how the chat bug has worked in my experience so far.
How often do you add new objects to a players PlayerGui? When a new object is added, the chat re-parents itself to try and be the ScreenGui on top. If your game does this often, this might be why you are experiencing an issue with the chat bar being unfocused. I can send you a version of the chat without this code. We are adding a new ScreenGui.DisplayOrder property soon that will remove the need for this entirely.
Please add a way to disable the chat scripts entirely. The only part of ROBLOX chat I use is the text bar, and at this point I might as well make my own.
Not sure if someone has already reported this, but if you’re chatting and you trapsen then the message you’re typing gets reset. Maybe fix this by saving if the text box is focused and if so save the text and restore the previous state after reset?