New "Dev Chat" Plugin

Hi, this “obfuscation” is being used as a joke or real protection?

It is used for real protection.

I see, I’m asking about this because this “obfuscation” looks like joke for me

What do you mean by that, this isn’t used as a joke it’s used for secuirty.

You’re right, and wrong. Let me re-state me thoughts on this plugin, after 4 replies! I think this plugin is a “golden box”: a metaphor for a pointless feature. I’ve stated that Roblox already has this feature baked into Roblox Studio.

I am also fairly certain your objective from creating this plugin was to capitalize off of it by adding “freemium” features.

Claim support by:

To re-state:

No, I do not believe this plugin is for me, it does not offer contributing features to the already existing Studio chat. Nothing about this plugin is great in my opinion.

I mean, you can read all the source code for this script without any problem

small snippet of code:

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lol we are working on a fix at the moment

This doesn’t already exist in Roblox as I stated… Roblox’s chat and all the other plugins you’re saying are like mine are just team create chats this is a multi-servers cross-place chat you cannot compare them… and yea… I was totally just going to spend so much time on a free plugin with absolutely no gain, the purchase options aren’t even great and no one is probably going to buy them, and because you don’t like a plugin and don’t see a use for it does not mean its an awful plugin because it’s not… its made for something specific and it does that specific thing very well

You make no sense.

You say Discord is the same as sending a letter by pigeon, yet, your plugin is a lot more limited, vulnerable and sketchy than any of the other alternatives.

Let me list a couple of reasons.

Starting by this:
You have to pay to send images or to be anonymous, whereas in discord, you don’t.
I could send an image anytime or just create another account to be anonymous.

Secondly, Discord is miles more organized than your plugin and has features that your plugin will never be able to provide, such as streaming.

Using this plugin also makes voice chatting a lot more inconvenient than Discord.
In Discord, it’s literally 3 clicks to join a VC with someone else. Whereas in your plugin, you have to join a game and type !vc [username].

Thirdly, you have a lot more freedom in Discord, unlike your plugin, where we have to abide by Roblox TOS.

Also, don’t you think it’s a bit childish to reply to a genuine question with petty sarcasm?


That’s cool but seriously using simple words can’t allow DEVs to work together… I’d rather just VC

The plugin is obfuscated but with a single line of change I can easily get the whole source code back just intact?

edit: turns out someone already pointed this out

If your gonna release it as a resource then the post will get taken down because of obfuscation, thus they can deobfuscate it so there’s no point

Obfuscation is not security

Very cool, nice job. Also very curious how this was made!

thank you, we’re working on a security update for it and once that’s done ill rewrite this post explaining everything so check back in a few days to a week

This would make much more trust issues, this type of information shouldn’t be stored.

Why would you need to moderate this exactly? It is highly unlikely that something extremely bad would happen to someone else, this just seems like spyware.

Thats just insanely scummy, theirs defiantly thousands of better ways than to use this to communicate between developers.

Then why would you deliberately add them and make a feature to be anonymous, even if Discord or any other form of developer communication exist, barely anyone would use this primarily because of safety concerns and obfuscated code.

I just want to say, I don’t like how you’re replying to people who are giving their genuine and honest feedback with sarcasm and saying how what they point out is pointless.

No one’s wrong when their saying the reasons why this would be rendered useless, and why no one would use this, theirs to much safety concerns and their already many other ways I or someone else can message a developer.

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Roblox has already done this for you.

Now I have more trust issues

Didn’t mean to reply


Also anonymous looks kinda sketchy and I would like it removed because

  1. Let’s say your in a group of 5 people, one of them said “I’ll delete your game!” In anonymous mode, but who? I think it’s just some useless feature which scammers can make use themselves.

I wish filtering APIs worked in studio but they don’t… which is the only reason we moderate messages because if someone breaks TOS we ban them, we have a very simple filter but its extremely easy to bypass so it’s not reliable to keep messages following the TOS

It works perfectly fine for me. Maybe you used it incorrectly

there’s still a report button for anonymous users so if they write something like that you can report the message and you won’t be able to see who it is but the mods will and can take action if needed