New documentation website is missing math operator documentation for data types such as CFrame and Vector3

Issue Description

There is no documentation for math operators (+, -, *, /, etc) on the new website for any data types. This means that I have no clue what cframe_value * vector3_value will actually do. I also don’t know if Vector3s can be divided by anything or if I can add a Vector2 to a UDim2.

Historically there existed a table similar to my representation below which would tell me all of this, and I would like to see this documentation re-implemented in some form.

CFrame * CFrame    |  returns composition of two CFrames
CFrame * Vector3   |  returns Vector3 transformed from Object to World coordinates
CFrame + Vector3   |  returns CFrame translated by Vector3
CFrame - Vector3   |  returns CFrame translated by -Vector3

Issue Area: Documentation Content
Page URL: Roblox Engine Data Types | Roblox Creator Documentation


This is a known issue and it’s been logged internally to restore it. Thanks for posting!


Hi @JarodOfOrbiter! I appreciate this flag, and wanted to let you know that it has been resolved.

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