New Edge Advanced Research Complex - Cave Area

This build is from a current project of mine, NEARC (New Edge Advanced Research Complex). It is a connector from one part of the game to another, and the goal was to create good terrain and make it look at least somewhat realistic.


This build was created using a mix of simple Blender modeling and ROBLOX tools. I used a couple of smoke effects to give it a dusty effect. The lighting has not been finished.

The build has a slight problem with connecting to another part of the build shown below, please give ideas on how to fix below in the replies.


I really like the use of 3D models for your terrain, it looks great. You could change the shades of each rock slightly to make it look more natural. Moreover, to address your problem, I would need a bit more detail on what you mean by a problem with connecting because the simple solution (I would assume) would just be to move everything over so that it connects.

Well the main problem with moving it all over is that the rocks would clip through the wall and into another part of the game:

I see what you mean, have you tried just placing a normal part with the same color/material to connect the two? It might not look out of place if you do it right. If that looks off you can also always just import a new mesh with a flat face on that right side so that it’ll fit without clipping through the wall.

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