Today I accidentally wrote this for my command line.
s = {}; for i, v in game.CollectionService:GetTagged("Movable") and game.CollectionService:GetTagged("Selectable") do table.insert(s, v) if not v:GetAttribute("Limit") then v:SetAttribute("Limit",100) end end ; game.Selection:Set(s);print(s)
I did not notice that I have written an and in the for loop. Yet it did not error but rather merged the tables. This is definetly NOT a Lua feature but rather a Luau feature. I did not find any documentation or reports on this either.
This is not a feature, but more like a different semantic thing:
local condition = false
local testTable = {1, 2, 3}
for _, number in condition and testTable or {1, 1, 1} do
print(number) -- 1, 1, 1
for _, number in #testTable == 0 and {4, 4, 4} or {1, 2, 3} do
print(number) -- 1, 2, 3
The structure you’re looking at is… <condition> and <value1> or [<condition> and] <value2>.
-- This
game.CollectionService:GetTagged("Movable") and game.CollectionService:GetTagged("Selectable")
-- is translated into this, as long the condition is neither false or nil
true and game.CollectionService:GetTagged("Selectable")