New feature (Property of object in browser) Copy path to location

So I thought of a neat idea, it would be super useful. If lets say you’re looking inside your explorer.

And for an example.

Inside ‘ReplicatedStorage’ you have a folder called ‘RemoteEvents’ which contains all your remote events.

So you could either in your script to reference it like this and type out:


This is where my suggestion comes in, it would be super useful if there was a new property that if you right click an object in the explorer it has “Copy path location” and if you click that. It instantly copy’s the location of that object in the game to your clipboard.

So in my case, you copy it and instantly this is copied to the clipboard game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.Event"



But this is dependent on the context in which you’re using that path.

E.g. on client in most cases you’d need to wait for the whole path, while on the server you can index there directly.

I think this would be better as a plugin + support for adding extra context menu items that route to plugins depending on where and what you’ve right clicked on.

Context menu real estate is valuable and extremely limited. There’s a ton of context menu entries Roblox could add to save time, but if they did all of them it would make it impossible to find anything. Developers should be able to design their own convenience options instead.