The property panel causes a crash when the font family is empty. e.g.
TextLabel.FontFace ="")
The property panel appears to be the cause, because the crash only occurs when the TextLabel is selected.
The property panel causes a crash when the font family is empty. e.g.
TextLabel.FontFace ="")
The property panel appears to be the cause, because the crash only occurs when the TextLabel is selected.
I especially like the new APIs.
Are there any precautions or limitation to be taken when using the new API?
So true. Tired of having to use an image label as a text label.
This is a very nice quality of life feature that will definitely be handy!
One thing i’d like to see is more word spacing options (besides from LineHeight, Such as space between letters).
I currently have to manually type space in order to space characters further out, Is this a feature that is being considered? (Or am I completely blind and such feature does already exist)
Very much excited as a UI designer that Roblox is working on expanding the functionality of fonts, as well as paving the way for custom fonts.
I’ve always felt for the longest time that the choices in font were very limiting, and most fonts being very hard to tie into my UI design, so I greatly look forward to future updates and additions. Cheers!
Awesome! The preview is really compact and I’m excited for custom fonts when they arrive.
This is an incredible change to the Font UI and it makes my life a lot easier when working on UI since now I can see the font style before I even pick it.
This would be a lot helpful for people to find cool fonts!
Though, I can’t wait for custom fonts to be released!
Yeah this, custom fonts would be awesome.
Oh hey! QOL updates!
This is pretty neat! Will make picking out fonts way easier now!
Rather than this, I feel like Roblox would put fonts uploaded by Roblox itself in the Toolbox and let developers download new fonts from there instead. Surely I don’t think they’ll add too many new fonts already built-in otherwise the font dropdown menu would become a mess.
Pretty sure this update will speed up process of UI design, thanks Roblox
I just noticed the idea for adding a fonts category in the toolbox after I wrote down my idea for custom fonts which is the same thing
Woohoo! Every UI designers dream since forever!
Finally! Now I can choose Fonts without wasting any more time.
This is a very useful update for developers. Thanks to everyone who contributed in hopes of adding more fonts.
nOW FINALY Its here
When using RichText tags to set specific lines of text to Bold for example, does the text still sometimes become blurry or distorted? I’m not sure if this has been fixed yet, but I’ve been suffering from this problem for a while now. (referring to TextScaled)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FINALLY WOOOOOO! Roblox GUI designers needed this.
This is really cool. Finally we have an easier way to pick out fonts without needing plugins. The new thickness options are very welcome as well.
So custom fonts when?
One thing Im not super happy about is that the dropdown doesnt behave the same way other dropdowns do (I assume its a custom dropdown?) For normal Enum dropdowns, you have to click them twice to open them, they do an animation, and you click them again to close it. Here it opens when you click once, and there is no animation. I dont really mind that, but not being able to close the dropdown when clicking it again kinda sucks. (It does close SOMETIMES though, its weird)
I can’t seem to find the option in beta.
I assume you didnt mean to reply to me? lol, anyways
For me its 7th on the list: