I’d love to use Comic Sans in my game because Cartoon just doesn’t cut it.
Respect the response, lets hope when you guys do come to a final decision the community agrees with the route you went or can build on top of that idea to better improve it overall.
This is my first comment, so Howdy. I like this enhancement, since I can now make the reading sections a little more interesting. With quests, important info, while also accounting for when I and many others who refuse to read at times.
This table is pretty big since there are more than 160 font faces between all the families we support currently.
Giant font list
Family | Weight | Style | Accessible before? | Source |
Accanthis ADF Std | Regular | Bodoni | local | |
Amatic SC | Regular | AmaticSC | local | |
Amatic SC | Bold | AmaticSC w/ RichText bold | local | |
Arial | Regular | Arial | local | |
Arial | Bold | ArialBold | local | |
Balthazar | Regular | Fantasy | local | |
Bangers | Regular | Bangers | local | |
Comic Neue Angular | Regular | Cartoon | local | |
Creepster | Regular | Creepster | local | |
Denk One | Regular | DenkOne | local | |
Fondamento | Regular | Fondamento | local | |
Fondamento | Regular | Italic | Fondamento w/ RichText italic | local |
Fredoka One | Regular | FredokaOne | local | |
Gotham SSm | Regular | Gotham | local | |
Gotham SSm | Medium | GothamMedium | local | |
Gotham SSm | Bold | GothamBold | local | |
Gotham SSm | Heavy | GothamBlack | local | |
Grenze Gotisch | Thin | not available before | cloud | |
Grenze Gotisch | ExtraLight | not available before | cloud | |
Grenze Gotisch | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Grenze Gotisch | Regular | GrenzeGotisch | local | |
Grenze Gotisch | Medium | not available before | cloud | |
Grenze Gotisch | SemiBold | not available before | cloud | |
Grenze Gotisch | Bold | GrenzeGotisch w/ RichText bold | local | |
Grenze Gotisch | ExtraBold | not available before | cloud | |
Grenze Gotisch | Heavy | not available before | cloud | |
Guru | Regular | Garamond | local | |
Highway Gothic | Regular | Highway | local | |
Inconsolata | ExtraLight | not available before | cloud | |
Inconsolata | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Inconsolata | Regular | Code | local | |
Inconsolata | Medium | not available before | cloud | |
Inconsolata | SemiBold | not available before | cloud | |
Inconsolata | Bold | Code w/ RichText bold | cloud | |
Inconsolata | ExtraBold | not available before | cloud | |
Inconsolata | Heavy | not available before | cloud | |
Indie Flower | Regular | IndieFlower | local | |
Josefin Sans | Thin | not available before | cloud | |
Josefin Sans | Thin | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Josefin Sans | ExtraLight | not available before | cloud | |
Josefin Sans | ExtraLight | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Josefin Sans | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Josefin Sans | Light | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Josefin Sans | Regular | JosefinSans | local | |
Josefin Sans | Regular | Italic | JosefinSans w/ RichText italic | cloud |
Josefin Sans | Medium | not available before | cloud | |
Josefin Sans | Medium | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Josefin Sans | SemiBold | not available before | cloud | |
Josefin Sans | SemiBold | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Josefin Sans | Bold | JosefinSans w/ RichText bold | cloud | |
Josefin Sans | Bold | Italic | JosefinSans w/ RichText bold+italic | cloud |
Jura | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Jura | Regular | Jura | local | |
Jura | Medium | not available before | cloud | |
Jura | SemiBold | not available before | cloud | |
Jura | Bold | Jura w/ RichText bold | cloud | |
Kalam | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Kalam | Regular | Kalam | local | |
Kalam | Bold | Kalam w/ RichText bold | cloud | |
Arial (Legacy) | Regular | Legacy | local | |
Arial (Legacy) | Bold | Legacy w/ RichText bold | local | |
Luckiest Guy | Regular | LuckiestGuy | local | |
Merriweather | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Merriweather | Light | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Merriweather | Regular | Merriweather | local | |
Merriweather | Regular | Italic | Merriweather w/ RichText italic | local |
Merriweather | Bold | Merriweather w/ RichText bold | cloud | |
Merriweather | Bold | Italic | Merriweather w/ RichText bold+italic | cloud |
Merriweather | Heavy | not available before | cloud | |
Merriweather | Heavy | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Michroma | Regular | Michroma | local | |
Nunito | ExtraLight | not available before | cloud | |
Nunito | ExtraLight | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Nunito | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Nunito | Light | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Nunito | Regular | Nunito | local | |
Nunito | Regular | Italic | Nunito w/ RichText italic | cloud |
Nunito | SemiBold | not available before | cloud | |
Nunito | SemiBold | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Nunito | Bold | Nunito w/ RichText bold | cloud | |
Nunito | Bold | Italic | Nunito w/ RichText bold+italic | cloud |
Nunito | ExtraBold | not available before | cloud | |
Nunito | ExtraBold | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Nunito | Heavy | not available before | cloud | |
Nunito | Heavy | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Oswald | ExtraLight | not available before | cloud | |
Oswald | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Oswald | Regular | Oswald | local | |
Oswald | Medium | not available before | cloud | |
Oswald | SemiBold | not available before | cloud | |
Oswald | Bold | Oswald w/ RichText bold | local | |
Patrick Hand | Regular | PatrickHand | local | |
Permanent Marker | Regular | PermanentMarker | local | |
Press Start 2P | Regular | Arcade | local | |
Roboto | Thin | not available before | cloud | |
Roboto | Thin | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Roboto | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Roboto | Light | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Roboto | Regular | Roboto | local | |
Roboto | Regular | Italic | Roboto w/ RichText italic | local |
Roboto | Medium | not available before | cloud | |
Roboto | Medium | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Roboto | Bold | Roboto w/ RichText bold | local | |
Roboto | Bold | Italic | Roboto w/ RichText bold+italic | cloud |
Roboto | Heavy | not available before | cloud | |
Roboto | Heavy | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Roboto Condensed | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Roboto Condensed | Light | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Roboto Condensed | Regular | RobotoCondensed | local | |
Roboto Condensed | Regular | Italic | RobotoCondensed w/ RichText italic | cloud |
Roboto Condensed | Bold | RobotoCondensed w/ RichText bold | cloud | |
Roboto Condensed | Bold | Italic | RobotoCondensed w/ RichText bold+italic | cloud |
Roboto Mono | Thin | not available before | cloud | |
Roboto Mono | Thin | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Roboto Mono | ExtraLight | not available before | cloud | |
Roboto Mono | ExtraLight | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Roboto Mono | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Roboto Mono | Light | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Roboto Mono | Regular | RobotoMono | local | |
Roboto Mono | Regular | Italic | RobotoMono w/ RichText italic | cloud |
Roboto Mono | Medium | not available before | cloud | |
Roboto Mono | Medium | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Roboto Mono | SemiBold | not available before | cloud | |
Roboto Mono | SemiBold | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Roboto Mono | Bold | RobotoMono w/ RichText bold | cloud | |
Roboto Mono | Bold | Italic | RobotoMono w/ RichText bold+italic | cloud |
Roman Antique | Regular | Antique | local | |
Sarpanch | Regular | Sarpanch | local | |
Sarpanch | Medium | not available before | cloud | |
Sarpanch | SemiBold | not available before | cloud | |
Sarpanch | Bold | Sarpanch w/ RichText bold | local | |
Sarpanch | ExtraBold | not available before | cloud | |
Sarpanch | Heavy | not available before | cloud | |
Source Sans Pro | ExtraLight | not available before | cloud | |
Source Sans Pro | ExtraLight | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Source Sans Pro | Light | SourceSansLight | local | |
Source Sans Pro | Light | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Source Sans Pro | Regular | SourceSans | local | |
Source Sans Pro | Regular | Italic | SourceSansItalic | local |
Source Sans Pro | SemiBold | SourceSansSemibold | local | |
Source Sans Pro | SemiBold | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Source Sans Pro | Bold | SourceSansBold | local | |
Source Sans Pro | Bold | Italic | SourceSans w/ RichText bold+italic | cloud |
Source Sans Pro | Heavy | not available before | cloud | |
Source Sans Pro | Heavy | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Special Elite | Regular | SpecialElite | local | |
Titillium Web | ExtraLight | not available before | cloud | |
Titillium Web | ExtraLight | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Titillium Web | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Titillium Web | Light | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Titillium Web | Regular | TitilliumWeb | local | |
Titillium Web | Regular | Italic | TitilliumWeb w/ RichText italic | cloud |
Titillium Web | SemiBold | not available before | cloud | |
Titillium Web | SemiBold | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Titillium Web | Bold | TitilliumWeb w/ RichText bold | local | |
Titillium Web | Bold | Italic | TitilliumWeb w/ RichText bold+italic | cloud |
Titillium Web | Heavy | not available before | cloud | |
Ubuntu | Light | not available before | cloud | |
Ubuntu | Light | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Ubuntu | Regular | Ubuntu | local | |
Ubuntu | Regular | Italic | Ubuntu w/ RichText italic | local |
Ubuntu | Medium | not available before | cloud | |
Ubuntu | Medium | Italic | not available before | cloud |
Ubuntu | Bold | Ubuntu w/ RichText bold | cloud | |
Ubuntu | Bold | Italic | Ubuntu w/ RichText bold+italic | cloud |
Zekton | Regular | SciFi | local |
It will first try to see if there is another appropriate weight in the same family that has loaded. For example, Bold might fall back to using the Regular weight with a procedural bold modifier. If there is no appropriate face in the same family, then it will fallback to Source Sans Pro using a similar weight and style. The text shouldn’t ever be left in an invisible state.
The only way to fix this would have been to force-rollout the change to everyone without going through a beta.
We could consider updating the Font enum to better reflect the true names, like was done with GothamSemibold being renamed to GothamMedium.
I’ll bring this up internally, I think that larger previews would be good as well.
I think that you can multiply the Y size by LineHeight as a workaround. We’re still trying to figure out what properties are good to add to GetTextBoundsParams because if we add all of them, that’s copying the entire TextLabel API.
This was great for news, as some point UI a new font studio its very improved for release new texture preview sometimes, which very cool on custom new fonts.
As mentioned, fonts are now wrapped around assetIDs download from the cloud, similar to textures and sounds; I presume custom fonts are right around the corner
This will most definitely make things SO much easier for UI Designers.
Wooo this is really useful, I have nothing else to really say but thank you for this
Hi! Awesome updates.
Unrelated but can we get the kerning fixed on the font “Luckiest Guy”?
This font has some really weird vertical spacing that leads to it being almost unusable in reusable UI. You can see when automatic size is enabled that the spacing is just really off. This means we’d really like to use this font, but because our UI can’t reskin easily with this font, we’re basically not able to use it.
Compare to bangers, which is vertically centered. This is the standard for most fonts, and it’d be really nice if this could be fixed.
I understand there’s backcompat issues potentially here, but maybe as we switch to FontFace there’s an option to fix this for the future.
Very nice to finally be able to preview the font. I see that this is also laying the groundwork for cloud fonts, a feature I and many others cannot wait for Thanks staff
I expect scrolling on the FontFace property to change it to the next font. The old font selection UI had this behavior but the new font selection UI seems to not do this.
It’s annoying, but response was here for why LuckiestGuy is like that. I normally just set the LineHeight to 0.7 and that usually makes it look good
Finally after waiting for many years! Thank you so much for this update! Well needed!
This is a cool update! Being able to preview fonts before we use them will definitely help improve developer workflow.
The only cartoon font we have at the moment is Comic Neue Angular, so it would be neat if we could use Comic Sans MS as well! Cartoon fonts are my cup of tea.
Amazing update! I’m glad fonts are being worked on again. But seriously,
when will google fonts support come!
It’s been so long since it has been announced and I feel that no progress has been done on it. Is there an update on this yet?
Implementation detail hell my beloved hah, so it’s something thats more of an issue on the Lua side than the spec side which I initially assumed.
awesome, it would be nice if you could rotate ui elements - and just more photoshop features like shadows. would improve it a lot
Massive win for developers. And the addition of extra fonts should benefit experiences that are lacking in areas that can now be improved upon! Hopefully, there could be a possibility of a survey that asks developers about specific font/font styles they’d like to see added to Studio.
It would be amazing to see the further implementation of custom fonts, though due to licensing issues it’s understandable to see why that might not be possible. Plus, the risk of custom characters that could break Roblox TOS.
Also great to see the implementation of font previews. Massive improvement. Thanks, Roblox!