New game feedback

Hello fellow devforum users! I have recently created a new story driven, samurai based, incremental simulator(don’t judge) game. I need feedback on anything you think I could improve in game(UI, animations, music, SFX, etc.)

Here is the game:

Thanks in advanced!

Quick note: sometimes the game has a loading error and your equipped pets will dupe. These loading errors also cause weapon un equipping problems.

Hello! I just joined the game, and Im stuck, how do I attack the goblins?

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Oh yes! I didn’t exactly have time to add a tutorial. But you are supposed to go through the blue portal at spawn and purchase a wooden sword. Sorry about that!

why my tuto is gone

I was making one, and accidentally deleted the whole thing… so I just rage quit making the tuto.

Don’t worry I’ll ad one later

Ok! Sounds Good! Can’t wait for the tutorial to be in the game

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Good game so far, I’ll be waiting for improvement :slight_smile:

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Maybe close the GUIs when clicking the toggle button again?

As others suggested, a tutorial (or maybe some kind of beam with an arrow to the portal)

Dunno if it’s only happening to me, but my wooden sword doesn’t damage the enemy at the spawn

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I fixed the sword issue. I’ll make the tuto as soon s I can. And closing the GUI when the toggle button is pressed again is a swell idea.

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Thanks for the support! Hopefully you wont have to wait long for improvement lol.

Tutorial finished. Its created by a guy I know, not me.