Hi dear devs and modelers,
I made a 10 vs 10 game like old Lord Of The Rings : Conquest game , which was a third person fighting game . I tried to copy it’s weapon mechanics and inserted them into a death match game.
You pick a weapon when the game starts from the weapon racks, go and fight with opponent team . Every match takes 10 min. Currently has 3 weapon types : bow ,sword and staff. All weapons have their own skills.
This game is not a Pay To Win. Every player will show themself with their ability and agility
Also i made a bot system which it fills the empty places in teams. So when you join a game currently everbody will be bot but as users start playing this every match will be filled with 10 vs 10 real players.
Here is the game link : https://www.roblox.com/games/7877426256/Medieval-Wars-Conquest-BETA
Please criticize my game , i want to hear positive or negative feedbacks from you . Cheers !
I’m a solo developer , doing the best i can.