New game release Idle Game Experiment and Hangout!

Idle Game Experiment and Hangout
This is a game based around seeing what people like to play and really what people want in a game. I created this in around an hour, as a way for people to hangout and meet new people. Eventually with enough support and funding, I plan to add a bunch of cool things to the map, for all ages to enjoy. Feel free to check it out below, and message me with any questions, comments or concerns. I am also taking suggestions for what should be added next! Thanks and have a great rest of your day.


Good Job! if you could add more things to the game? That’d make the game so much better. Other than that good job!

It looks a bit plain.

Make sure to add rainbow flags for Pride Month :rainbow_flag:

I plan on adding a off road area and some vehicles for people to play around with. But I am always open to suggestions if you have any ideas.

I will definitely be working on adding more and more to the game. Hopefully if I get more donations, I can hire some more help.

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