New Game Similar To Steep Steps


I wanted some thoughts on my new creation which is a similar game to steep steps. Please give me any feedback if there are any bugs, feature requests, and even more maps. If you do enjoy it, i highly reccomend that you share it to your other friends.

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Oh my lord, i had trouble reading that

However, its a well made game

A typo

And, where is the first button?

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The gameplay is pretty good. I’d recommend checking out the other surfaces as well (weld, inlet and universe) because the “classic” style isn’t about putting studs on every side of every part (This is just my personal opinion).

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What do you mean by first button? I will fix the typo. The problem with custom animated text is that it isnt perfect to put all the text places.

The ice removing button, for the first part

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You supposed to jump on top of the ball when your stuck and jump on top of the wood platform. I should probably add more indicators.

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