New Game that I created

Hello Developers,
I recently just released my game:

This is my very first creation and I will like to hear your opinion on it.

  • Is there anything I could have done better ?
  • Is there anything I should add ?
  • Mistakes I made in this game that I should never ever make in any game?

Thank you.


It is literally the exact same obby as every single obby on this platform, please try some originality. You should try to add more details and stuff, the game itself is boring. People will not play this game over another obby, you got to think about what you can do to make your obby special? Maybe a slight change in gravity and call it something different? Maybe different jump heights, or walk speeds?

Like TheDevKings Speed Obby.


Ok I will add more creative updates to make it more original and different from other games.

The Game Seems really good for your first creation, but I will recommend adding more updates to it.
Also when I tried to like the game nothing happened.

Yes, I noticed that I think It is a roblox bug, I will inform you when It has been fixed.