New Game- Worldwide Homes

I have just released a new build I have been working on called Worldwide Homes. It had 10 homes from all across the world. I wanted to represent many different cultures, some popular ones and some that are lesser known. I haven’t seen any other games like this, so I wanted to make one to spread inspiration and my love for other countries and cultures. I hope some of you will find this interesting or feel represented! Thank you for playing!

Link: Worldwide Homes


Very interesting ! The houses themselves are quite simple and easy to look at, there’s some blocks clipping into each other but that wouldn’t take too long to fix.

I would like if there was more decoration in the front yards as those can breathe a lot of personality into these houses - maybe they have that countries flower/plant and something specific and recognizable like you’ve done with the Chinese house’s pond with the lily pad.

Well done !

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Thank you for replying. I think I will do some more research to figure out what I could put in the front yards. Like you said, I think it would definitely add more to the game. Thank you for your suggestion!