New Games Do Not Show Up In Roblox Search

I’m very confused about this, my game has 3.5k concurrent players and is #44 on popular, but still doesn’t show up at all when searching for terms such as “one punch man” or “destiny.” Even if you scroll down hundreds of games it’s nowhere to be found.



Same bro

My game “Gorilla” is not dead but maaaan does it not show up on Search. I’m using my TESTING place, which DOES show up, to Teleport people … lol

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It looks like it’s a problem with group games. I think all the people posting on this thread have their game as part of a group.

@Antiael It looks like your test place showed up because it was under your profile directly, instead of part of a group.

Edit: I realized I am actually experiencing this issue: Games not showing up on new group page - #8 by Qwoked

Edit: 19 days later, my game is now searchable. Thanks Roblox!


Well this ain’t good then is it? I mean isn’t best practice to publish as a group game to handle easy scaling in future?

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My new game Build It still doesn’t show up for me on the games page yet having 500-1k players. It’s really hard to build a player base when they can’t even look up the game. Additionally, they can’t even look it up by the group because the groups search doesn’t make it practical to find. The only way I am getting returning players (10-15%) are players who saw the sponsored game and favorited.

Game link: [MULTIPLAYER] Build It - Roblox

Games search for "build it"

This problem is still around. I released my game HOURS not long ago and although it has a decent popularity, searching its name returns a bunch of horse games and games with no visits instead. It doesn’t show up in popular either even when there are games with similar player counts. So far, most of my players found the game through other sites or sponsors. I’m worried that the game will die if players are only able to find the game outside of the site itself.

Game Link: HOURS (Relocated) - Roblox


Hi all!

I have this problem also. I released my game about a week ago, and it does not show up either. When a player searches by our exact game name, we do not show up.

Here is a link to the game:

What do I need to do to make it appear so that players can find it? Please, can anyone from Roblox Staff can you let me know what I can do to fix this problem? Much like all the other players on this thread, I’m very concerned that my game will simply die if no-one is able to find it other than people that have found my game by ads.


I can vouch for this issue still being around, I recently released a game that I worked months on and it really does suck that new games cannot pick up the traction they need to be played due to the game being invisible. Other than ads and sponsors (which can often cost more than the revenue being made back), there is no way for my game to be seen. It hit around 6.5k players at peak and still not to be seen via the most popular list or search. Here is my game: Sorcerer Fighting Simulator - Roblox

I understand that I released on Thanksgiving so I suspect that the engineers at Roblox may not be able work their magic to appropriately update this (I assume so anyway). It’s frustrating that I don’t know if my game will diminish in players because of the game itself or if the game cannot be found which is out of my control.

Fans on my Twitter and comments on YouTube videos about my games would often ask where to find this as they cannot see it anywhere is honestly a very heart breaking and frustrating thing to see.


Since I’ve also had this problem I’ll say that his issue isn’t really easy to fix due to Roblox most likely wanting search to be based on what the player wants to play ex. You search up “Obby” then it will put up many obby games. What I’m trying to say is having a unique name can help searches a lot.

I can also confirm this also is a problem, when I first opened my Clothing Store and tried searching for it, it really did not show up at all.

My game AlderSpark wont show up in the search engine whatsoever, I instead get a screen saying “No Results Found”

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I remember I tried searching for my game’s name EXACTLY but all I got were games with korean titles, I don’t know how Roblox’s search even works at this point lol


My game, Delta Descent also doesn’t show up in the search engine, despite the game having roughly 300 visits. Searching the term “Descent” also displays nothing, which is kind of odd considering that the word “Descent” itself doesn’t seem to be filtered.

Edit: Found my game by searching the term “Delta” on its own and scrolling for a while. Still not sure why searching the term “Descent” yields no search results.

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Hi, I’m also having the same issue, we released a new game last week on Monday and you are currently unable to search the game up or find it anywhere on the games page. It’s hard for newer players to find the game unless they see our advertisement. Afraid that players might not be able to find it after the advertisements run out.
Game Link: [REBIRTHS] Be a Soldier! Simulator - Roblox

Update: Not sure what was causing it but it fixed.


my game Garden Tycoon blew up to 150 players overnight and then 2 days later it was at 8 again. When it had 40-150, the game was in the 3rd row when you searched “Tycoon”. But now with 40-50 players (I sponsored) it wont even show up in the 200+ row (and there are games with 3 players at the 3rd row…) Idk how this can happen, I have a like ratio of 76% and 90k visits. Game Link: Garden Tycoon [PETS] - Roblox

This isn’t a bug, it’s mainly because it isn’t popular or rated yet. Like other people mentioned, that’s why there are ads.

It’s funny because games like Escape the scary man, are at the top even when the name of my game is completely different.

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But how can it randomly explode and then die off again and now with 56 players it cant be found on Tycoons, even if there are tycoons with 10 players in the 3rd row

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How can I be in the 200+ row

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The question is how would you raise your search results in general for your game?