Whenever opening a large place, The explorer has a very long and distracting error:
Video Showcasing the issue:
System Information:
Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
CPU: I9-13900K, 32 Logical Processors, 24 Cores
GPU: RTX 4090
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 80.0GB
Reproduction Steps:
It is very inconsistent, But a way i’ve found to make it very easy is to spam-re open the place, And tends to happen even single time
Out of curiosity, what do you have SignalBehavior on Workspace set to in this place?
We haven’t tested so much on Immediate, and I wonder if this is one of those edge cases.
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It was set to deferred. Sorry for not respondign
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Does this still happen? If so, can you send the place in a private message?
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From my testing, It hasn’t, I have tried like 3 places multiple times and have had no errors. So it seems to be fixed, I will get back to you though if something does happen.
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February 28, 2025, 7:09pm
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