Hello! I am a starting GFX Designer myself, and I would like to hear more from others to correct and improve my work!
I’m not an artist myself, but as a random person I find this image to look very appealing. I would definitely click on this if I ever saw it!
Your design looks nice and is eye catching but I feel like the title does not stand out enough. Maybe you could give that a bold yet thin outline? Unless that was intentional?
There are several improvements that could be made with this GFX, those being:
Lighting— are you using Blender? If so, avoid Point Lights and such, and instead make a plane that emits light. The results will have much more soft and realistic lighting, as opposed to the harsh and unappealing lighting that you have right now.
Detail— Your clothes could be much more detailed, maybe adding clothing folds? There is an extremely easy and simple way to add folds, via tutortials on YouTube or simply sculpting the character’s arm with the Cloth tool. The tree in the back is very low poly and doesn’t fit the scene. I suggest using Blendswap or a similar program for free tree models. Also, the mushroom your character is holding seems to be out of place. Maybe reposition it?
Composition— The title is minuscule, and hard to read. Change the size or reposition it, as well as the color, against the background it’s illegible. Your watermark is also too prominent, make it smaller or more transparent.
I’m not using point light for the lighting, instead I didn’t add any light beside the HDRI I am currently using. But anyways, thanks for all the tips I will see what I can do next time.