So I’ve never seen this before. I was making a UI that shows the key to do an action and this happened
I have never seen it automatically change to an image (I just used"(R)" and it changed to an image). Anyways, I think its really cool, however it does not work for the “Q” key. Any ideas? (If it comes down to it I could changed it to [Q] and [R]
I can’t replicate this. Are you sure there isn’t anything in the game that creates this?
As far as I can tell, this is not a feature at all. You might have some plugin or extension installed on your computer that turns (R) into ®.
That symbol is just the Registered Symbol (®) in that font.
As you can see here I tried replicating this (I failed), but I had the idea that “®” could be the symbol, I was right.
Wow that’s so simple XD. I never thought to just change the font and check. Now that I think about it though, maybe they should implement custom emojis for keys and other stuff (or maybe even import your own emojis for currency and stuff)