New Gun Skin | Galaxy M4A1

Can I have feedback on this galaxy gun skin I created?


This is awesome. How did you make the graphics move?

I pasted a texture into the part. Make sure that it is a texture. To make the texture move like that, I pasted the code

local speed = 0.2
local x = script.Parent.Texture2 -- Texture2 is the name of the texture

while wait() do
		x.OffsetStudsV = x.OffsetStudsV + (.1 * speed)
		x.OffsetStudsV >= x.StudsPerTileV-(.1 * speed)
	x.OffsetStudsV = 0

into a script in the part. It should look this this:


robloxapp-20210125-2224247.wmv (169.4 KB)


Check out the guns I made in this game:

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Looks cool but the skin is very dark. I barely could see the skin. I recommend that you make the skin more visible. The skin also looks more blue than purple. When I think of galaxy I usually think purple rather than blue. Changing the galaxy theme to purple would look much more galaxy like.

Example of purple galaxy theme:

Okay, thank you for the feedback. I’ll change the texture right now.

It looks good but it seems like a galaxy image I often use on google lol

I just got a random image off of ROBLOX for the skin.

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The image could be better. Too much contrast and too dark imo.

I think you shouldn’t have said you created it, since you took an image from roblox, but alright;

I created the script. I could just re-upload the image and call it mine.

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Wow, I love it so much, Great work.

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This looks very cool! Great job! :smiley:

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