New icon for an FPS game

I just somewhat finished up some work on a new icon for an FPS game I’m working on that is basically like CSGO/Valorant without agents.

This is what I cooked up:

What are your suggestions/feedback? And what icon do you find better (i think the poll results are gonna be obvious)

  • Icon #1 (with the bad guy)
  • Icon #2 (with the soldier)

0 voters

(" ¹ " means some people disagree)
I already got:

  • make the red into an orange¹
  • get rid of unnecessary stripes¹
  • make title a bit more readable
  • change title font and color

first the font is not bad but i would change and second is the background doesn’t match with FPS it matches more like a simulator game.

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This FPS game icon looks good. The suggestions you already got are good, except I think the blue and red are good colors, there’s no need to change it to orange. Nice job on this icon!

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Lools great! It might just be me, but I think the title feels a little out of place. Maybe try messing around with its font and color

I disagree with these, I like the red and blue and I think you should keep the stripes.

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OK I kinda went for that ESport-sy and Paintball-y type of icon. I got mainly inspired by these images:

(Counter Strike 2 image, and random Paintball poster)

I was also kinda hesitant on whether I would like to change the red to orange but it’s feedback after all.