New Ideas & Feedback for Lava Level Mechanics | PB & Jay


Hi, the next level in my game, PB & Jay (a 3d platformer), is a lava level. I like the fire shooting block I’ve made, but I think I could improve the visuals of the lava geyser platform. I’m open to thoughts on making both better. I’m also open to game object ideas for the lava/fire theme.

Spinning fire shooting block:

Lava geyser platform:

Here’s the concept art I briefly made for the world:

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I honestly kinda like it! I think it would be better overall if the fire bricks were red, since people usually associate fire with red. :fire: As for the lava floor, maybe make it neon so it glows.

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HI, add some particles and smoke effects and sparks … is the lava animated? add black lava crust to the edges…

also the lava texture kinda looks like a colored water texture… maybe find or make one that has more colors on the lines… like reds , oranges , blacks…

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This looks good, but I would change the spinning fire thing to a better fire texture, and make it a lot faster.

I would also maybe use tweening for the lava geyser, make it elastic going up like it’s being pushed by pressure and then settling, and then for the going down part make it linear.

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Here’s an updated version taking the feedback into account:

I think I’ll make the Red lava a one-hit kill, like a kill brick. But, I want one of the other lavas to take away 1 HP (the player has 4 HP total). Color is just personal preference really, but I digress.

Side note: I’m having issues with things loading into the game, despite Atomic Models using StreamingEnabled. This is why I added a screenshot also to show what it looks like entirely.

I tried for a good two hours trying to make something (for the lava geyser platforms). I either made something not stylized enough imo or it just didn’t feel right to me. I’ll keep experimenting and looking to other games that do this.

For the lava floors, maybe some lava bubbles would help.

Looks a lot better! :smiley: The lava especially!