New IKcontroller help

Hey there! Been experimenting with the new IK controller beta feature, it seems theres not alot of documentation on it, i’ve been trying to recreate some legs, although they don’t have the expected outcome, it seems like the legs are dethatched from each other and bending the other way.


I’m almost certain that I should be able to achieve a result like this.

Picture of my attachments.

Any help would be appreciated :smile:

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I didn’t knew this feature but it looks good!

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I believe there isnt much documentation on the feature, because it is still in beta, and will not appear in games (Only visible in studio)

As for solutions, as I do not understand the IKcontroller, how it works or anything, I cannot give a 100% working solution. However, maybe try looking at the rotation of the legs?
It could be that the front facing edge is actually facing left of the desired direction.

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I don’t really understand this new feature, documentation didn’t state how it works and what it runs off of, I can only assume it runs off motor6D as deleting the attachments doesn’t seem to do anything.


I’m assuming this is a Rig problem. How does your rig compare with the intended Motor6D Rig which is R15? What is the orientation of the C0 and C1? What is the position of the C0 and C1? What are the orientation of the parts? Are they oriented (0,0,0) just like the R15 Rig?


Hey there! I think you hit it right on the nail! I changed up the motor6D and was able to get a result I’m happy with. :slight_smile: The only thing that is happening that i don’t like is the knees are bending backwards, but that can be fixed with some scripting