New immortal sword is untradable

  • Describe the bug. Describe what is happening when the bug occurs. Describe what you would normally expect to occur.

The new immortal sword, Immortal Sword - Wicked Heart - Roblox, is untradable. I cannot trade it, and does not appear in my trade inventory.


  • How often does the bug happen (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)? What are the steps that reproduce the bug? Please list them in very high detail. Provide simple example places that exhibit the bug and provide description of what you believe should be the behavior.


  1. Open up a trade tab.
  2. Try and trade for the immortal sword.
  • Where does the bug happen (www, gametest, etc) Is it level-specific? Is it game specific? Please post a link to the place that exhibits the issue.

  • When did the bug start happening? If we can tie it to a specific release that helps us figure out what we broke.



Can confirm.


My friend just bought this and is unable to trade it as well. Can confirm for him.


It does not appear on the rbx rocks website or on R+'s profile item display either.


Still an issue, cannot trade for it. The item is in demand currently.

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Seems to be fixed now,
I just received one in a trade and can confirm mine is tradeable.

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Was about to post saying it’s fixed, thank you!

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