New In-Experience Text Chat System Public Release!

I didn’t know that was 2 or 4 months later just helping but your right about having the old chat because the new chat it doesn’t like save the chat when you leave and rejoin so yea the old chat is actually better unless roblox adds it back

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nevermind, noticed this was fixed while playing bloxburg earlier.

if 2 people have the same username but one of them has extra text, its impossible to private message / whisper to the person with the shorter username

Yeah the private chat auto fill is annyoing. Should be similar to the autocomplete feature, showing a list of players

You made all of this but with no option to set the exact position of the chatwindow?

A new issue has occurred with this chat since alias has been taken in use.
Alias names with special characters, such as <, will make people appear as

<font color="#01a2ff">Name<:</font>

as well adding extra characters within their message “&It;”
It’s very distracting and hard to use the chat when this occurs

Is it possible to enable chat history with this new chat system? When I leave a server and come back, nothing is saved.

Also, how can I change the chat tag color and text color for certain people or owners of a game pass with this system?

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Are the channel tabs released? If not, when do you expect to release them? As it is a really needed feature for my game.


The new chat is cool, however, for most of my games I use the legacy one because sometimes It’s better and because the new one has some bugs.

I also use the legacy one for the old bubbles in my adventure game.

The new chat system has a very nice design and futuristic feel. Although, it does not correspond with Roblox’s chat commands such as: /w (user) and some scripts don’t function properly with this new chat system. Good work though.

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Is there a further update on this?

Text channels bar when? this is such a crucial feature for making a more in depth experience…

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Do you know when we can expect to see this?

I really like how the TextChatService works, but I had an issue with offsetting the chat bubble.
I wonder if you could help me solve the issue since no one was able to do it yet.
More details should be shown there.


Any updates for missing features from the LegacyChatService to be added?

We need the channels bar, resizable chat, and chat history that saves even after the player has left and rejoined the server.


They have said in the past that the older chat system will no longer be updated. Which means it will be no longer getting any feature updates or really anything.

No, what I was trying to say was TextChatService is missing some additional features originating from the original Chat service like channels bar, resizable chat, chat history, etc.

I’m not saying LegacyChatService should be updated but TextChatService needs more features.


ChannelTabsConfiguration was added recently, it’s one of the LegacyChatService features to be added to the new system

maybe at RDC they will reveal channels bar for the new chat (possibly not)

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Channel Bars when, stuck using Legacy…

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Please add the following feature

  • Ability to hide custom commands to certain players when autofilled is enabled
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