New In-Game Topbar

I really like the new topbar and it’s icons. It makes it look stylish and modern!


I like the design of it, looks cool and also seems like something you’d see on the Xbox the thing about it is it feels like a sleek modern design which is good for other platforms as well, I’d like to see something similar on Xbox too it seems like it might fit there, Though I think the Roblox logo should be moved down a bit as it touches the top of the screen which looks weird to me, Without that the free space left is good for a somewhat better gaming experience for players view on the world around them and or more space to put UI elements instead of having a transparent bar at the top which covered some stuff by default and stopped people from having more space for their UI, also it confused new developers on how to get rid of it, Without that great design!


Will there be any way for us to revert to the hamburger menu? I’m not really a fan of using the Roblox logo, especially since I use a lot of custom UI and think that the Roblox logo as the menu button is kind of an eye sore.


I feel this change makes sense when linked with other UI changes such as the leaderboard or the navigation sidebar on the main site but it will be a shame to see the current topbar retired.


@Schedency You do have options in SurfaceGui's to ignore the topbar’s automatic push-down of 36px. Using this you can make a UI take up the full screen



Will will see accompanying APIs to compliment this update?

The TopBar is an ideal place to add menu navigators! It’s currently an enormously under-used area of a player’s screen, a large reason being it’s inaccessibility to developers. Why not introduce APIs to assist us with this? For example:

TopBar:CreateButton(name[string], image[imageId], order[int])



This enables developers to fully utilise their game’s topbar without the need to implement hacky-methods (such as custom topbars):

Secondly, will custom buttons within this area be interactable? For example, ButtonDown events currently do not work in the existing topbar. Will this change for the new one?


The New In-Game Topbar is an amazing design, and I can’t wait to see the design coming in Roblox! I also liked the modern looks on the Topbar. Both of the versions (Old & New) of the Topbar is also nice too! :happy2:

I hope to see the New Topbar coming in the update. Keep up the great progress! :+1:


I like this change. I do prefer the old leaderboard, though. This change does make it more modern.


Also will this be changeable in studio? Like the custom ones in games, for example vehicle simulator.


It will open the ESC menu. Just a guess.


This is actually an awesome change! Thank you for implementing it :slight_smile:


Awesome! The Roblox UI is getting better, however I still have to get used to it. :stuck_out_tongue: The next release is a modern chat UI?


Not all really know the short-key for for example open the Inventory, so it should help if a it not know or have forgot it.

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im excited for this! i will miss the old one. but im still excited … or how do we say? EGGCITED


The only topbar update I would want is the removal of it. This topbar feels even more intrusive than the old one.

EDIT: This felt pretty unconstructive so I thought I would give my reasoning.
Best case scenario I do want the topbar removed or at least give us the option to remove it. I know this most likely will never happen, which is very irritating to me.

The topbar being transparent for every game will be a nice change in my opinion. I am happy with that change.

The thing I am not happy about is the Roblox icon. With the old topbar I could remove everything except the hamburger icon and the age indicator (which seems to be removed now!).

The hamburger icon felt more minimal and out of the way. The Roblox icon looks unnecessarily big and a branding mark on your game.

I hope this clarifies.


It’s nice, I just personally think the old one gave more life; it just looks a little bit empty and quiet.


I definitely prefer this new version to the Topbar. I personally dislike that solid black banner spanning the top of the screen.

Though there are some things I would like changed (such as the button at the top right of the screen), I welcome this change.


Does this change have anything to do with disabling the bar in studio? A while ago when I was turning it off with the CTRL SHIFT G combo, it stopped working with that combo when I would take immersive screenshots and stuff. Still unknowing of how to turn it off as of now.


I hated when top bar was first added because it looked hideous and wasted 36px of space for no reason.
With this update making it more minimalist by default, I finally won’t have to look at its terrible design ever again!
Good job.

Edit: I don’t care if it feels empty, it means more screen area is free for developers to use and players to see.


I like the simplicity. Simple but clean. :))