New In-Game Topbar

Ah, that’s actually great!

I’m sorry for the misunderstanding


Really wish the icons in this new revision were more stylistically neutral. I liked the first revision, but this revision with both gradient icon and the rounded rectangle backdrops stand out way to much and will clash with UI.

The first revision and the current top bar when set to transparent are great because they’re easy to locate when you need them, but they easily visually dissapear when you don’t.


Golly, I remember when roblox was A LOT more basic than this and the coregui(s) were a lot more bloxxy.

[2008 ROBLOX Engine Screenshots]


The gradient fill on the Roblox icon looks extremely out of place and will clash with developer UI. Please keep this in the same style as all other icons - flat white.

Also this not being consistently aligned feels strange.
image image


Improved for sure, but again with the consistency! Why is the Roblox logo in a different style to everything else?

Also, why’s the horizontal padding so different not only to the topbar’s vertical padding, but also to the player list’s padding and the chat’s padding?

Why is the border radius so much larger on the buttons compared to the playerlist and ellipsis menu?

The chat icon doesn’t seem to be showing at a multiple of it’s original resolution, or has subpixel-aligned elements; the middle line is blurry which is likely due to some subpixel positioning.

EDIT 3: I also just noticed these icons are suddenly razor thin. More inconsistency. Why were these even changed? The previous icons looked better and stood out better.


I still prefer my version that I posted above as far as style goes (that almost a hundred people have liked at this point) but if you fixed the above I’d be able to live with this one.

EDIT: I think if you’re going for a higher contrast design than when you were using the drop shadows, it might work better to use a 50% stroke like this (with the added benefits of keeping the prior cleanliness and making the healthbar feel even more consistent!)

EDIT 2: Thought I’d compare some of my topbars visually too!

Current Topbar

Original Proposed Design - Drop Shadows

New Proposed Design - 50% Stroke #111111


if it’s optional roblox will have to mantain the code for two topbars instead of one


Looking at them side-by-side, the stroked buttons in Frame 5 not only look cleaner and more visible, but they fit very well with the chat UI. Maybe the buttons can have the transparent background applied when hovering over them just like the chat? This kind of design should definitely be considered.


Indeed! I sure hope it does get considered :slightly_smiling_face:

Being honest, the consistency with the chat is just coincidence; I didn’t originally set out to make it consistent with the chat stroke since I assumed they were already working on a redesign. It does indeed match pretty well!

also I should probably start naming my frames in Figma rather than leaving it as Frame 5 lol


I’d probably keep the chat in Source Sans for the sake of legibility, anyways.

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Will I still be able to access my backpack using backwards apostrophe?

Thanks to everyone who pointed out the issue with the new chat icon, we have fixed this issue so now the middle line is the same size as the other two in the icon.


The Roblox icon still should be flat. I also don’t really know how I feel about the transparent black frames behind the buttons - IMO a stroke or shadow would look better & still stand out against any background


I was super excited about the new top bar when it was first announced, but this most recent change made it worse than the top bar we have currently.

Games currently have the option to remove the translucent-dark bar entirely, so that the GUI Roblox forces all games to have appears neutral and fits in with our own aesthetics. This is why I was very excited to see the design updated to be more modern and fit in with the clean aesthetic Roblox has been moving towards, as well as giving power to developers to fit it into their games the way they want to.

With this updated design, not only is there padding applied which takes away from the immersiveness (Core gui should never be forced to be shoved into anyones face - especially if the game does an excellent job of building GUI for the players already), but there are floating dark boxes placed behind each of the icons as well. This aesthetic is incredibly out of place and doesn’t fit in with nearly any top game that I can think of.

In a time where games on the platform are becoming larger and more important than they have ever been, and where the absolute absolute majority of play sessions take place in games with developer teams putting in the time and effort to carefully craft their game’s visual style, seeing a design update this out of place forced upon us is blatantly disappointing.


Hard agree. Even if the previous new topbar design wasn’t perfect, it was definitely more neutral.

I think those black boxes definitely draw a bit too much attention by creating too much contrast at the top of the screen. It isn’t even consistent with any other core UI.

If contrast is a problem, I think stroked icons (similar to what I demonstrated earlier) would be a better compromise as a couple other people mentioned. It would stand up perfectly well on it’s own (if not better than the drop shadows due to the way the healthbar is styled) while being extremely malleable and workable for developers to build their own UI styles around.


Agreed. The goal of this coregui redesign should be to minimize the footprint and obtrusiveness of the UI while maintaining the same functionality. This secondary redesign has only made the coregui stand out even more, which is completely unnecessary.

I think the rational behind these ugly black backgrounds was to better communicate to the player that the Roblox settings icon is indeed a button, and not just a Roblox logo watermark; to that end, it does succeed. But, it comes at a cost of giving developers even less control over the aesthetic of their game.

I think the real problem here is the attempt to use the Roblox icon as a button. Why? We don’t need to constantly remind the player that they are playing Roblox; shouldn’t the goal be to let players design their own original experiences and not be tied to the “this is on Roblox” factor?


There is a small issue with the new menu. So for the past 3 and a half years, I have been using keyboard shortcuts to perform actions (esc+L+Enter to leave, esc+R+Enter to reset characters). However, I’ve noticed that the esc+R+Enter does not work with this new update, and it’s just a minor problem that could easily be fixed


Another thing to point out, I am very confused by the “Add Friend” button icon

I know that this is more minor, but it looks like a shop icon to me.

Also, I’d like to point out again how this new menu doesn’t even take up half of the screen, which is a stupid lack of space that could be filled up to fit more on one frame.

The old menu did an excellent job with fitting much more content on a single frame, and didn’t involve half as much scrolling as this new one does. I really don’t see what was wrong with it.


This is amazing and a wonderful new change, but you can no longer quick reset by pressing Esc + R + Enter. But otherwise I love it!


I much prefer this new modern take on the menu. It looks much better and way cleaner than the previous menu.

Instead of it taking up the middle part of the screen for no reason, you’ll be able to fit more information on the right hand side of the screen since everything is on the side now.

You’re also forgetting that the buttons on the side could be nothing more than just that - and then the information would slide over into view from the left.


I dont really like the new top bar, the old one was just good enough. No need of the new one it already looked good.