New In-Game Topbar

I thought that this would look bad, but now finally experiencing it in its full effect, I love it! It looks very sleek and new. Great update, Roblox!


It would of been great of some of the uis did scale back up but its meh tbh.


You can disable it and make your own


@JamesBlossoms you are right. Hopefully they will update the chat box with rounded corners and a similar style to the rest of the ui.


If they did that then the player list would look weird with square corners and would probably have to be redesigned as well again.

Hopefully they do both.


I agree. Roblox currently is a mess of different ui styles. Hopefully they can update everything to one style.


Another proof that the menu on the right is a bad idea: A few moments ago I’ve accidentally left a game because the menu button is placed right under the close button.


Also, since there is no actual topbar anymore, why not bring back the original padding before the old topbar was introduced (no need to put -36px in position to make something fit the top of the screen)?


Backwards (and future - Roblox may add more stuff in that space) compatibility, and designing stuff like HUDs around the topbar may be confusing for new users. This behaviour already exists anyway, just set IgnoreGuiInset to true.


I can confirm that new players that don’t know the keybinds wouldn’t be able to take a screenshot or record a video without the 3 dotted button.


I feel many of the people talking about the sudden change with it standing out more looking forced are merited though
Compare Branchline’s custom topbar with hamburger, and the new gradient

This example isn’t the best as it’s probably not hard to shift the elements around to work with the new system, but there’s one problem which really makes me anoyed

There is no bottom padding on the buttons and it looks horrible, you can also tell where the name label was meant to be

ps the reference image i used for hamburger was from an old UI showcase video, meaning there has obviously been work done on the topbar


Are we still able to make a Topbar Gui, and are we able to modify the Topbar?

Yes! Developers can still do those things.

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You can. There has already been some showcase games with modified Topbars.

Oh ok, I will see them.

Here is a showcase by @IF0rst


Thank you Roblox for your effort, but I do not like it.

I wasn’t exactly a huge fan of the last top bar either, but this one is no better. This is much worse. The old one may have been large and often times in the way, but at least it looked decent.

This is bad in so many ways. The icon’s themselves are, and I apologize if I sound rude, but they are ugly. The style is bad, the inset and margin are not thought out… The menu itself feels so rushed and buggy. Like on the side you can see if I open the menu while the leaderboard is open, the leaderboard does not disappear, only the text does. Also, let’s stop talking about UI for a quick second and talk a little about UX. Now all the core interface buttons that are needed for Roblox games that developers don’t want to remake are locked up behind a sub-menu. Really? All you did was make the design more cluttered and complicated.

Also, I was never a fan of the emote update originally… Being the fact that this is supposed to be more of a platform and not a game, I was extremely frustrated when you added the new emote update right when Fortnite was getting popular. Many stated that it doesn’t matter because you can just remove it, but it isn’t that simple. Branding and reputation mean a lot to a platform. Roblox is already known for being a “rip off” like platform with a lot of copied games (I know this isn’t always Roblox’s fault, but regardless, it is the reality). By adding the emote update, Roblox themselves as a corporation stepped in to add even more backing to the bad rep of Roblox. Even if developers can remove it, just the fact that a platform added this rather then an individual game, Roblox couldn’t make it more obvious that they are not taking the professionalism of this platform seriously (Even if they are, they need to show it, not just to us developers, but to the rest of the world). But anyway, to go back on topic, now the emote menu is another cluttered button in a menu most developers already want out of the picture.

Also, why did you have to add the button on the right? We developers have already been complaining about the top bar taking a lot of screen space, but we at least had the entire right side of the top bar to use for whatever we wanted. Now we can’t without interfering with Roblox’s forced top bar with imo a bad design which can conflict with my own UI designs.

My only advice is this. Keep in mind every feature like for example the top bar that we can’t remove needs to be thought out a lot more carefully. Better UI design practices should’ve been put in to this, and it shouldn’t have come out buggy.

I apologize if this is offending, I am just being honest here about my concerns about this update as a Roblox developer.


Hey! I think it’s really cool you are trying to work with the core UI. However, to further my own points above…

^ That looks a lot better then this:

Sure, the old one is bulkier, but I would personally take a bulky top bar I can work with rather than a smaller, less obvious top bar that I can not because the design is not that good.

Also I wanted to add, for the actual settings menu I personally like the new design. But I do not like the sizing. The bigger and full screen one was a lot more spaced out and easier to understand at first glance.


Just to be honest I miss the old In-Gane top bar and player list. R.I.P Old player bar.


i’m glad it’s gone , it looked terrible and i waited like 3 years for it to be gone…

(imo ofc)


Like for some developers people miss it though.

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