New In-Game Topbar

Very informative response, thanks.

Opinion: @TheGamer101, I think that the people who don’t like this new update want is the sense of nostalgia. As mentioned by @RiloFox27,

See? I think they miss the sense of ‘Old Roblox’. The update is fine with me, but perhaps consider giving that sense of nostalgia, make it more playful and less futuristic. (like the phrases for example).

I also think that the leaderboard/playerlist should have enough space to display relevant stats, for example, in Jailbreak, when you pass 1 Million cash, all it says is “1.1M” or something, not displaying the correct stats, as some people like to know exactly how much they have, to calculate how many things to buy.

As previously said, it is just an opinion.


I wouldn’t mind this update if it were possible to remove the dark backgrounds from the buttons. If you’re going for a modern UI theme, then it works, but it looks bad on any game that has a different theme. Maybe SetTopbarTransparency could be used for this? Because before if you set the topbar transparency, the icons would just have a shadow and not a background, which fits better into all UI styles. I might make a feature request for thia. And of course, the gradient logo is inconsistent with the flat icons and the Roblox logo looks like a watermark, just like everyone else has said. Topbar_Transparency_1.0


This has been an issue with the old menu for a while now. Obviously it won’t be fixed at this point because it is being replaced.


I think the reason is that lots of games have a hamburger button for there main game menu, so Roblox decided to do that instead.

EDIT: I do think that maybe just if Roblox removed the gradient it would look more like a button.


If would be nice if roblox could let us change what icon and background transparency we want. For example, there can be a function in player gui called :SetButtonBackgroundTransparency(1) . I also want one for disabling the roblox gradient on the icon.


With the new In-Game topbar, the sizing and scaling of 9 slice has been screwed apparrently.



I just accidentally quit a game because the … button is right beside the windows close button >.<

Is there really a good reason for having moved this?


This has happened to me too. Roblox really needs to consider things like this.


Everything is very nice, but “Leaderboard” seems a little strange to me. It can be converted to “Playerlist” as before. :+1:


People didn’t like that old menu bar at first either.

There’s definitely going to be some hate towards it at first, before and after they fix the issues with the menu.
The hate will last a little while after everyone has it but I’m pretty sure we’re all going to just get used to it and attached to it. It seems that’s the way with the majority of the big updates on Roblox.

  • New Topbar
  • Old Topbar

0 voters

  • New ESC Menu With Old Topbar
  • Stay On New
  • Old ESC Menu With New Topbar
  • Back To Old

0 voters

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Votes like these won’t count im afraid, I learned that from @EllipticCurve_DHE,


Easy fix > go fullscreen mode , it worked for me. Jokes asides , yes , this is pretty annoying…


Menu for mobile

  • I have the old esc menu for mobile
  • I have the new esc menu for mobile

0 voters

I was curious how many people have the new menu on mobile since I do not yet


Could one of you with the new Menu on mobile share a screenshot if possible?

1 Like

Mobile support (Particularly new iPhone lineup) need dot be sorted.

This screenshot

Doesn’t depict the issues very well, so I’ll just describe them here:

The ROBLOX icon (just about) gets cut off from where the screen is rounded.

The right side of the screen gets chopped of (presumably for swipe support), however the swipe is at the bottom of the screen

This particular model of iPhone is:
iPhone 11 Pro Max


Been using Roblox for 9 years and couldn’t figure out how to open the settings menu lol (why is the settings button a watermark?)


In terms of making for example: Loading screens, we would have to adjust the background image size and positioning due to it being considered outside the size of the screen.

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Another problem with that is that guiinset is useless since most of the topbar’s space is empty.
I understand than yes there are the topbar icons inside this space but having to still use and support ignoreguiinset because of 3 icon is just not worth it.

Thats why i suggested its deprecation when this update came.