New In-Game Topbar

Letalone, if they were standalone icons, they look pretty individually, but together as a part of a bar, my internal ocd signals are flaring like crazy. You have 2 elements on the left, 1 on the right and it is just incredibly more noticeable. Plus you have all that blank space that you mentioned as well. At the same time I don’t want to have to disable the whole entire topbar functionality.


You don’t have to resize the background. Just turn on the IgnoreGuiInset property of the ScreenGui and it will fill the whole screen.


The right side of the screen gets chopped off because the notch is there, not because of the swipe bar at the bottom of the screen.


I believe if Roblox decided to keep a maturing element in their developer updates. Just like how Roblox removed tix, it resulted in a lot of controversy, however, it has certainly led the platform to what it is today and at least in my opinion it has resulted in a better outcome for both users and developers.

I feel the same applies in this case. Roblox will receive backlash, but the platform must continue. I’m sure many people do not like change on Roblox as it is very clear at this point, but those changes have resulted in the platform we have today - although not perfect, Roblox has come far from what it was.

Personally, I like the Topbar. Although it is hard to get used to from the simple layout of the old topbar, it looks a lot more modern and this change was needed. Keeping the same layout for years wouldn’t be good for the development of the platform.

Good job!


Most certainly agree on that as Roblox is always meant to be innovated.

  • I like the new in-game topbar
  • I don’t like the new in-game topbar

0 voters


I have to agree with you, but like you said there is always a lot of controversy over roblox removing item such as the in-game bar.

As a person I hate change but I can understand that roblox would like to evolve as a company but also have to understand what the people like to.


I like the new TopBar its a nice touch and the key binds make things a lot easier. :ok_hand:

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Yeah i agree. The new leaderboard is kinda weird now that i notice. It was better before. The rest is pretty cool


Also, turns out that open inventory keybind is broken, in some games.


My new in game top bar is half way through the updated and old one. I have the new roblox symbol but still have the old menu. Do I need to change something to make it work?

I have the same thing. I think they just haven’t given the menu to everyone yet.

Could someone please send a screenshot of the new menu in the mobile version of Roblox if he has it?

My old account has the new menu on PC, but even when I went into the mobile version of Roblox (on Android, I don’t have an iPhone), it still used the old menu. I’m guessing they haven’t prepared the new menu for mobile Roblox yet.

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The notch isnt there though.

(30 characters)

But you said you were on an iPhone 11, which has a notch. And the screenshot shows that you have the phone turned into landscape left orientation meaning the notch would be on the right.

the notch was on the other side of the screen, it was cutting off the game
notchwas on the left

I personally don’t like how the top bar utilizes literally two types of icons… Not to mention the menu nests the leaderboard that shouldn’t be by default.

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Oh that’s a weird bug I’ve been having too, to fix it you open the control center and close it, but this bug isn’t related to the topbar.

Maybe a few changes should be made to the IPhone version of Roblox?

For example, the Roblox icon and the “X” are a bit odd, as the X button isn’t transparent and/or rounded at the edges as the Roblox icon.

I assume there’ll be changes made to the chat later, so I’ll hold off on my feedback regarding it.

Another example is where the screen is located when playing the game, which I believe was mentioned in a post above.

As seen through the picture, it’s a bit annoying that the screen isn’t fully centered on the phone. This is on most newer iPhone models; X, XR, XS, XS Max, 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max, and it does not fix when you rotate the screen.

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