New instance for roblox studio

Hello guys, today i suddenly got the idea for a new instance in roblox studio.
This instance would be called “MetricValues”. And can be used to track and get values like: magnitude, unit, midpoint.

it would work like this:
you can parent the instance to any object you want and give it 2 object properties the PrimePart (wich could be for instance the HumanoidRootPart) and the tracking part (lets say the handle of a tool you want to pickup) then if you would wanna get the distance of your HumanoidRootPart and the tool you just call:
MetricValue.magnitude.Value and get the distance back.

This values are all being updated via events: if 1 of the 2 objects changes position the values that are enabled change as well. to reduce performance cost all values can be enabled or disabled if you enable the value it gets updated otherwise not.

This is how it would look like in the properties window:
