New item placed far back in "recently created" list

I uploaded and put on sale a new item yesterday 🎅 Santa 🎅 - Roblox

But I’ve been unable to find it in my catalogue view.

Until I started to scroll further and realized it was placed pretty far back on the list of “recently created” items. It seems as though it is considering itself older than some items that are a year+ old.

My only guess is that this is a bug relating to the time it was uploaded and approved (about 30 minutes before moderation closed for the night). Somehow there is a bug that messes up the creation time of items in this window or something?

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.

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May I know why you’ve published multiple duplicate items?

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It’s a tactic used to make as much profit as possible from as little work as possible - flooding the catalog with slightly altered copies of the same item. One of the many vulnerabilities with the UGC program that creators are exploiting right now, and you guys continue to refuse to address.


They are not duplicate items. They are normal version, and then giant head version of the item for a more fun / silly look.

Altering an item to be more flat colored / cartoony… or more detailed realistic can mean the world to players looking for the perfect match to their look.

UGC is to provide a range of items that fit hundreds of millions of different players with different tastes. This can end up getting pretty granular if there is demand enough to support it, like doing a blue… but then also doing a light baby blue of the same item.

The solution to reducing clutter on the catalogue is what we UGC creators have suggested for years … allowing us to group items together under one listing and just have color / variation options in that listing. But Roblox has not implemented that feature yet.

The alternative is just not giving players the options they are looking for, which isn’t in the best interest of creators, players, or Roblox.

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This is still happening. Some new items are being thrown back weeks in the sort for date created…

Hi Headpets we have reverted this feature that is not supposed to affect search by creator queries on the marketplace, this issue should not be happening for you anymore.

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