New limited not tradable

The new anime hair limited is not tradable and should be fixed to be able to trade with other items.

As you can see the limited should be tradable and not just sellable.

Link to item - Anime Hair - Roblox

Expected behavior

Item should be able to be traded and exchanged with other limiteds.


For reference: The first hunt limited, all 3 current limited have had the same exact layout, purchase window and incentive. All being called as a normal limited, which as expected should all remain consistent. The first, crystalized power mask was made limited tradeable without issue. The 2nd item, holo vestiges, was made into a LimitedU, which made it untradeable which was quickly fixed and corrected after release. This hair accessory seems to have had the same issue, made into a LimitedU, but unchecked about it’s tradeable status.

Here are some useful images detailing the issue, the following;

Screenshot 2025-03-17 191435

Screenshot 2025-03-19 200527
Screenshot 2025-03-19 200018


Please keep releasing these as limited uniques! the serials give such a collectors feel to them

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