Tell Me What You Guys Think, Thanks!
I like it, it’s a bit plan. Maybe a background would help?
Thanks For The Suggestion And Feedback! But idk what the background should be.
I would suggest to change the color and/or font of “STUDIOS”, to create some variety. Also, I like the diamond on top of the “I”, however, I don’t get why there’s another diamond near the “S”. Good luck!
Thanks For The suggestion also the diamond at the S is Just so it’s not too boring
Also This is The Best Font that Looks good on a roblox group icon
The diamond at the top is blurrier than the words, and overal its a pretty boring color scheme. I would suggest either making the color fo the words more saturated, or making them a wave + musgrave texture kinda design. I would also definitley add a background- maybe a slightly blurred background from a game you developed would look good.
Overall it is very plain and boring, and needs to be busier.
So Change the text of the color? If so what color?
Change it to whatever color looks best on the text. We are not here to design the icon, you are. We are simply here to give critism and tips.
Should try adding some depth to the text, suggest doing research on typography logos and get inspiration from them!
I suggest changing the fonts, as they are basic.
The diamonds are obviously from stock websites, and they are low quality. Their position are also too unfit to the logo. Change the font, too cliché.