(New Typesolver enabled in this video)
As you can see in the video, autocomplete on this module object and studio closes.
and the modulescript is this, a spring module
I think it could happen because of ‘_’ in index name
local Spring = {}
function Spring.new(initial, clock)
local target = initial or 0
clock = clock or os.clock
return setmetatable({
_clock = clock;
_time0 = clock();
_position0 = target;
_velocity0 = 0*target;
_target = target;
_damper = 1;
_speed = 10;
}, Spring)
function Spring:Impulse(velocity)
self.Velocity = self.Velocity + velocity
function Spring:TimeSkip(delta)
local now = self._clock()
local position, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now+delta)
self._position0 = position
self._velocity0 = velocity
self._time0 = now
function Spring:SetTarget(value, doNotAnimate)
if doNotAnimate then
local now = self._clock()
self._position0 = value
self._velocity0 = 0*value
self._target = value
self._time0 = now
self.Target = value
function Spring:__index(index)
if Spring[index] then
return Spring[index]
elseif index == "Value" or index == "Position" or index == "p" then
local position, _ = self:_positionVelocity(self._clock())
return position
elseif index == "Velocity" or index == "v" then
local _, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(self._clock())
return velocity
elseif index == "Target" or index == "t" then
return self._target
elseif index == "Damper" or index == "d" then
return self._damper
elseif index == "Speed" or index == "s" then
return self._speed
elseif index == "Clock" then
return self._clock
error(string.format("%q is not a valid member of Spring", tostring(index)), 2)
function Spring:__newindex(index, value)
local now = self._clock()
if index == "Value" or index == "Position" or index == "p" then
local _, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now)
self._position0 = value
self._velocity0 = velocity
self._time0 = now
elseif index == "Velocity" or index == "v" then
local position, _ = self:_positionVelocity(now)
self._position0 = position
self._velocity0 = value
self._time0 = now
elseif index == "Target" or index == "t" then
local position, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now)
self._position0 = position
self._velocity0 = velocity
self._target = value
self._time0 = now
elseif index == "Damper" or index == "d" then
local position, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now)
self._position0 = position
self._velocity0 = velocity
self._damper = value
self._time0 = now
elseif index == "Speed" or index == "s" then
local position, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now)
self._position0 = position
self._velocity0 = velocity
self._speed = value < 0 and 0 or value
self._time0 = now
elseif index == "Clock" then
local position, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now)
self._position0 = position
self._velocity0 = velocity
self._clock = value
self._time0 = value()
error(string.format("%q is not a valid member of Spring", tostring(index)), 2)
function Spring:_positionVelocity(now)
local p0 = self._position0
local v0 = self._velocity0
local p1 = self._target
local d = self._damper
local s = self._speed
local t = s*(now - self._time0)
local d2 = d*d
local h, si, co
if d2 < 1 then
h = math.sqrt(1 - d2)
local ep = math.exp(-d*t)/h
co, si = ep*math.cos(h*t), ep*math.sin(h*t)
elseif d2 == 1 then
h = 1
local ep = math.exp(-d*t)/h
co, si = ep, ep*t
h = math.sqrt(d2 - 1)
local u = math.exp((-d + h)*t)/(2*h)
local v = math.exp((-d - h)*t)/(2*h)
co, si = u + v, u - v
local a0 = h*co + d*si
local a1 = 1 - (h*co + d*si)
local a2 = si/s
local b0 = -s*si
local b1 = s*si
local b2 = h*co - d*si
a0*p0 + a1*p1 + a2*v0,
b0*p0 + b1*p1 + b2*v0
return Spring
Enabled Beta Features:
-Dragger QoL Improvements
-Live Animation Creator
-Multilayer Wrap fix
-New Luau Type Solver
-New Studio Camera Controls
-Occlusion Culling
-Studio solid modeling Improvements
Expected behavior
(New Typesolver disabled in this video)
I think it should work like this, without any studio closing unexpectedly.