New Luau Type Solver crashes studio when autocomplete

(New Typesolver enabled in this video)

As you can see in the video, autocomplete on this module object and studio closes.
and the modulescript is this, a spring module
I think it could happen because of ‘_’ in index name

local Spring = {}

function, clock)
	local target = initial or 0
	clock = clock or os.clock
	return setmetatable({
		_clock = clock;
		_time0 = clock();
		_position0 = target;
		_velocity0 = 0*target;
		_target = target;
		_damper = 1;
		_speed = 10;
	}, Spring)

function Spring:Impulse(velocity)
	self.Velocity = self.Velocity + velocity

function Spring:TimeSkip(delta)
	local now = self._clock()
	local position, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now+delta)
	self._position0 = position
	self._velocity0 = velocity
	self._time0 = now

function Spring:SetTarget(value, doNotAnimate)
	if doNotAnimate then
		local now = self._clock()
		self._position0 = value
		self._velocity0 = 0*value
		self._target = value
		self._time0 = now
		self.Target = value

function Spring:__index(index)
	if Spring[index] then
		return Spring[index]
	elseif index == "Value" or index == "Position" or index == "p" then
		local position, _ = self:_positionVelocity(self._clock())
		return position
	elseif index == "Velocity" or index == "v" then
		local _, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(self._clock())
		return velocity
	elseif index == "Target" or index == "t" then
		return self._target
	elseif index == "Damper" or index == "d" then
		return self._damper
	elseif index == "Speed" or index == "s" then
		return self._speed
	elseif index == "Clock" then
		return self._clock
		error(string.format("%q is not a valid member of Spring", tostring(index)), 2)

function Spring:__newindex(index, value)
	local now = self._clock()

	if index == "Value" or index == "Position" or index == "p" then
		local _, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now)
		self._position0 = value
		self._velocity0 = velocity
		self._time0 = now
	elseif index == "Velocity" or index == "v" then
		local position, _ = self:_positionVelocity(now)
		self._position0 = position
		self._velocity0 = value
		self._time0 = now
	elseif index == "Target" or index == "t" then
		local position, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now)
		self._position0 = position
		self._velocity0 = velocity
		self._target = value
		self._time0 = now
	elseif index == "Damper" or index == "d" then
		local position, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now)
		self._position0 = position
		self._velocity0 = velocity
		self._damper = value
		self._time0 = now
	elseif index == "Speed" or index == "s" then
		local position, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now)
		self._position0 = position
		self._velocity0 = velocity
		self._speed = value < 0 and 0 or value
		self._time0 = now
	elseif index == "Clock" then
		local position, velocity = self:_positionVelocity(now)
		self._position0 = position
		self._velocity0 = velocity
		self._clock = value
		self._time0 = value()
		error(string.format("%q is not a valid member of Spring", tostring(index)), 2)

function Spring:_positionVelocity(now)
	local p0 = self._position0
	local v0 = self._velocity0
	local p1 = self._target
	local d = self._damper
	local s = self._speed

	local t = s*(now - self._time0)
	local d2 = d*d

	local h, si, co
	if d2 < 1 then
		h = math.sqrt(1 - d2)
		local ep = math.exp(-d*t)/h
		co, si = ep*math.cos(h*t), ep*math.sin(h*t)
	elseif d2 == 1 then
		h = 1
		local ep = math.exp(-d*t)/h
		co, si = ep, ep*t
		h = math.sqrt(d2 - 1)
		local u = math.exp((-d + h)*t)/(2*h)
		local v = math.exp((-d - h)*t)/(2*h)
		co, si = u + v, u - v

	local a0 = h*co + d*si
	local a1 = 1 - (h*co + d*si)
	local a2 = si/s

	local b0 = -s*si
	local b1 = s*si
	local b2 = h*co - d*si

		a0*p0 + a1*p1 + a2*v0,
		b0*p0 + b1*p1 + b2*v0

return Spring

Enabled Beta Features:
-Dragger QoL Improvements
-Live Animation Creator
-Multilayer Wrap fix
-New Luau Type Solver
-New Studio Camera Controls
-Occlusion Culling
-Studio solid modeling Improvements

Expected behavior

(New Typesolver disabled in this video)

I think it should work like this, without any studio closing unexpectedly.

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This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thank you for flagging!

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