NEW Machine Learning Vector Matrix Library V.2, Chat Module, Awareness/Emotion Modules Linked [Open Sourced]

I have this Chatbot system that I made. I have open sourced part of the project. Which is the Awareness module and Chatmodule. This module is basically a really good search algorithm for a chatbot.
AI Chatbot Data-Science Library [Open-Sourced] - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox
Creating Self Aware AI: (Super Complete) LLM Utility Text Vision Module (Open Source) - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox

You can test out the AI yourself here! But sometimes I break stuff so please do not downvote if it is broken. This is my development place. Where I’m working on procedural world generation and AI agents.
The video is older and it is much improved now!
Some key take-aways.
–Utilizes 10 different AI models
–Chains together datapoints by searching with its projected output and the users input to keep it coherent.
–Extracts emotional tonality from string and plays a sound from the corresponding emotional sound library to present tone.
–Characters are presented by Letter character and each character is mapped to the piano note of ABCs and played so the bots have their own language because ROBLOX doesn’t have voice to speech capabilities.
–The chatbot can solve worded geometry questions and worded math questions and also generate object based math and geometry questions (currently disabled for testing)(Included in open sourced ChatModule)
–The bot has feelings evaluated by their personality dataset and is updated with their interaction with players by extracting emotional tonality from prompt.
–The bot is aware of its surroundings and can describe everything around it and where it is By simply asking about it. It does this by constructing the observations in multple different ways. It throttles observations by updating when observations is too old. and has efficient array handler that makes the performance very good.
–Generates random output by leveraging massive table of synonymous words and phrases to replace words with different words resulting in stable noise in the output of the bot.
–Utilizes a completely custom Search algorithm that is probably one of the best english search algorithms you could make. Utilizing synonyms, reflections and nouns, it weighs nouns higher and uses word filtering for context specific datasets.
–It knows it name by replacing its personality Key with their name
–It is aware of other npcs and players and uses an organized system that provides different interpretations of each observation.
–It doesn’t repeat itself. It uses a blacklist to keep it from repeating itself. Each time a personality is assigned a internal variable with the all the context and previous questions are stored to keep track of the conversation.

function personalities.MedievalShopkeeper()

	personality = "MedievalShopkeeper"

	local Greetings= {
		"Welcome to my shop. What can I do for you today?",
		"Good day, traveler. Are you looking for anything in particular?",
		"Hello there, friend. You've come to the right place.",
		"Ah, a new customer. Come and see what I have to offer.",
		"Greetings, stranger. You look like you need some supplies.",
		"Hello, good sir. You have a keen eye for quality."

	local inquiry = {
		"What are you looking for?",
		"Can I help you find something to suit your needs?",
		"Are you looking for something to help you on your journey?",
		"What are you interested in buying?",
		"Can I interest you in some of my finest goods?",
		"Are you looking for a bargain or a splurge?"

	local IDK = {
		"I'm not sure, but I'm sure I can find something for you.",
		"I'm not familiar with that, but I can tell you about some other great things.",
		"I'm not sure, but I'm sure I can find someone who knows.",
		"I don't know, but maybe we can work something out.",
		"I'm not sure, but maybe you can show me what you mean.",
		"I don't know, but that sounds interesting. Do you have more information?"

	local Database = {
		"I have all sorts of things in stock, from the common to the rare.",
		"I have something for everyone, no matter what your budget.",
		"I'm always getting new things, so be sure to check back often.",
		"I have some unique items that you won't find anywhere else.",
		"I have some great deals that you don't want to miss.",
		"I have some valuable and precious items that will impress anyone."

	local wisdom= {
		"A penny saved is a penny earned.",
		"Buy low, sell high.",
		"Quality over quantity.",
		"Customer is king.",
		"Honesty is the best policy.",
		"Time is money."

	return Greetings, inquiry, IDK, Database, wisdom

Now you might be wondering why would you utilize this type of system over simply utilizing an AI API?
This would reduce API costs significantly.
When the AI generates a answer using artificial intelligence it creates an object that is named the prompt and is valued with the response, checks for these tokens and incorporates these generated responses into its data.

In the list of AI APIs used are
Zero shot classifcation, GPT2,GPT3,GPT4, Meta’s conversational AI, Correct punctuation, summary, and paraphraser and extraction of intent from a string.
Non AI APIs are Wikipedia, philosophy API.

I’m also writing a Vector Matrix Machine learning algorithm tailored to the data that this chatmodule returns for use in maintaining context,

I wrote this Vector Matrix Calculation library from scratch yesterday. No AI would help me write it because of their policy against creating adversarial agents or something .

local neu={}

local Operators = {
	["+"] = function(a, b) return (a + b) end, -- addition
	["-"] = function(a, b) return (a - b) end, -- subtraction
	["*"] = function(a, b) return (a * b) end, -- multiplication
	["/"] = function(a, b) return (a / b) end  -- division

local ContextBias = {
	["sam"]=function(a) return (a.X) end,
	["los"]=function(a) return (a.X-(a.Y*a.Z)) end,
	["gan"]=function(a) return (a.X+(a.Y*a.Z)) end,
	["div"]=function(a) return (a.X/(a.Y*a.Z)) end,
	["mul"]=function(a) return (a.X*(a.Y*a.Z)) end,

function neu.matrix(x,y,z,optionalparameters)
	local tblformat={X=x,Y=y,Z=z,optionalparameters}--["ctbias"]=ContextBias[operator]}		
	return tblformat end

function neu.matrixabs(difx,dify,difz,abs)
	local res
	if abs then 
		return neu.matrix(math.abs(difx),math.abs(dify),math.abs(difz))	
	return neu.matrix(difx,dify,difz)end end

function neu.mathoper(mathstr,mat1,mat2,abs)	
	return Operators[mathstr](mat1.X,mat2.X),Operators[mathstr](mat1.Y,mat2.Y),Operators[mathstr](mat1.Z,mat2.Z) end

function neu.mathmean(mathstr,mat1,mat2,abs)
	local difx,dify,difz=neu.mathoper(mathstr,mat1,mat2,abs)
	return difx/2,dify/2,difz/2 end

function neu.calcmean(mathstr,mat1,mat2,abs) 
	local difx,dify,difz=neu.mathmean(mathstr,mat1,mat2,abs) return neu.writemath(difx,dify,difz,abs) end

function neu.mathmagnitude(mat1,mat2)
	return (,mat1.Y,mat1.Z),mat2.Y,mat2.Z)).Magnitude end--distance

function neu.adjtolerance(scale,convulutedmatrix)
	for nx,dt in convulutedmatrix do
		if nx=="weights" then
			for smk,dtm in nx["chain"] do
				convulutedmatrix["chain"][smk]=neu.matrix(dt.X*scale,dt.Y*scale,dt.Z*scale)--chain matrix weight 
	return 	convulutedmatrix end

function neu.mathentropy(scale,denom,convulutedmatrix)
	if scale or denom==nil then return convulutedmatrix end
	for nx,dt in convulutedmatrix do--through index of labels
		local scaler=math.random(1,math.min(2,scale))/denom--
		if nx=="weights" then
			for smk,dtm in nx["chain"] do
				local scaler=math.random(1,math.min(2,scale))/denom
				convulutedmatrix["chain"][smk]=neu.matrix(dt.X*scaler,dt.Y*scaler,dt.Z*scaler)--chain matrix weight 

	return 	convulutedmatrix end

function neu.weighmean(key,model,sublabel,param)
	return	neu.calcmean(model[key],sublabel[key],true) end

function neu.writemean(key,model,sublabel,param)
	return model[key] end

function neu.writemath(difx,dify,difz,abs)
	local res
	if abs then 
	return res end	

function neu.writedif(mathstr,mat1,mat2,abs)--return x,y,z dif
	local difx,dify,difz=neu.mathmean(mathstr,mat1,mat2,abs)

	return neu.writemath(difx,dify,difz,abs)end--return matrix

function neu.chainover(chain,param)--returns chain
	--parameters are additional sub-model entries cur chain position
	for i,v in param do chain[i]=param[i]end
	return chain end--return chain of matrix

function neu.writeaccuracyloss(chain,bias)--loss based on weight of x
	local c=0 local d=#chain
	for i,v in chain do c=v.X 
		v.Z=v.Z/(c/bias) end
	return chain end 
return neu

I’ve tested this Vector Matrix for utilizing adjustable weights and immediately wrote this library to utilize math to make deterministic decisions about the context database’s relevance in scoring and ordering. of the output strings. Making the bot yield more accurate results.
It does this by weighing the projected accuracy which is a fraction of the matching words/synonyms with the Y which is repetition and x is changed by a loss function. So for example if you greet the bot the greeting experiences context loss and weighs its subweights to given context derived weight adjustments for each weight. So it’s like 10 vector x10 Vectors which are all connected by their probability and repetition and weights are adjusted overtime by player interaction and repetition and each labels loss function.

local neur={}
local neu=require(script.VectorMath)
local ContextBias = {
	["sam"]=function(a) return (a.X) end,
	["los"]=function(a) return (a.X-(a.Y*a.Z)) end,
	["gan"]=function(a) return (a.X+(a.Y*a.Z)) end,
	["div"]=function(a) return (a.X/(a.Y*a.Z)) end,
	["mul"]=function(a) return (a.X*(a.Y*a.Z)) end,
local cwm
function neur.ContextClassificationModel()
cwm={--context weight matrix Y,Z are calculated and influence X position. 
		["weights"]=neu.matrix(10,1,1),--10 table 10 numbers ez
			--search accuracy
		["entropy"]=ContextBias["los"],--decrease weight of go on to other topics.
	},--weight is X is default weight y is reptition z is 
		["entropy"]=ContextBias["los"],},--Z is score/weight add to x
		["entropy"]=ContextBias["gan"]},--z is loss/entropy weight/score/
	["Support"]={neu.matrix(4,1,1),--subneuron only
	},	--subtract y from x 					
	["Philosophy"]=	{neu.matrix(2,1,1),
			--	["Bestiary"]=neu.matrix(3,1,1),	
		["entropy"]=ContextBias["gan"]},	--x,y,z is cumulative			
	--classify last						

local defcwm=cwm

function neur.resettodefparams(cwm)
	return defcwm--reset model
function neur.resetlabelparams(Key)
	return defcwm[Key]
function neur.writevector(Key,X,Y,Z)--x is reptition, y is count,z weight
	if X==nil then X=0 end if Y==nil then Y=0 end if Z==nil then Z=0 end
	local state=neu.matrix(cwm[Key].x+X,cwm[Key].y+Y,cwm[Key].z+Z)
	cwm[Key]=state--write weight matrix
	return state
return neu

This is a work in progress and I’ll be releasing updates as I develop this library further I just wrote it yesterday after testing the working concept of the writevector function at the end. This model will utilize these 100 weights to maintain context in a conversation.

I did hours of research and compiled all of the free API services on this link

Artificial Intelligence Model APIs FREE (Open Source) and Other Useful APIs - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox


Real cool! I’m kinda lazy and have a short attention span so I didn’t read the whole post lol.

Anyways, how are you feeding the AI information?

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It’s feed data through Artificial intelligence models, its awareness module that constructs worded observations of distance size orientation. (its surroundings) and prompts from the player. This system runs locally so it’s instant except for server AI API calls. Which yield the result. It’s basically a overpowered multi model AI. It’s off ROBLOX equivalent would be akin to a Chatbot that can use whatever AI model you ask it to something like Poe.AI


Ah I was a bit interesting. But couldn’t you scrape data from websites w a web scraper and feed them to the AI?

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I was just testing it and talking to A character named Witch Hunter who was telling me about the Dark Witch


I do I scrape data from wikipedia and AI models! I also have been working on my API library but currently I’ve explored what I needed to if you are interested I can link you to my open source documentation of all the free APIS I found that you can use to create a more sophisticated chatbot that scrapes more data. But overall A GPT4 solution would be fine. But the main point of this is to reduce cost of utilizing AI APIs.


Ah okay cool. I was just asking that because I was planning to write a web scraper in JS.

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I did hours of research and compiled all of the free API services on this link
Artificial Intelligence Model APIs FREE (Open Source) and Other Useful APIs - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox

I was just thinking I could utilize the Chuck Norris jokes API to have my bot tell horrible flattering jokes about itself or the player

If you utilize the huggingface models create an account and click a random model click interference endpoint and deploy to get your free bearer key.


Their are some very good inference models on hugging face. for example you can use one model to generate an output like this from a name.

Then you can use a different model to creatively expand upon that idea.

Also this is how my chatmodule works by recognizing synoynms for the purpose of being a better conversational search algorithm for a bot.


I’m excited for this new thing I started creating yesterday. It was surprisingly easy. I’m new to machine learning though what do you think of the library so far? I tried keeping it comprehensive and coherent.


I’m ngl, I’m not good at math at all so I don’t know what’s going on lol.

Seems real complicated, so I’ll let the pros (you) do all that.

[Why would need the mean of something?

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The vector math library is emcompassed in its own module. To make it simple But basically it’s just like having a position and the x of the position determines its weight. the matrix math module is not explicity used for much yet I just wanted to write all this math to basically give different ways of calculating X which is the weight, Y is the repetition and X is the context loss or gain. The accuracy is determined by the chatmodule and rewards or takes weight away from x such as if you were to greet the bot greetings would be weighed less. But if you were searching wikipedia for something you would prioritize that submodel more. It’s basically just a Zero-classification model. If you were to use it it would be simple as having 10 labels. I will be simplifying it in the future! It would be useful for making combat AIs with predefined weights that adapt to combat scenarios.


Still don’t understand it, maybe I will in the future. Lol great job :clap:

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Okay so Vector3 is a position and these weights exist in 3D space like your brain and their x is the probability for that action= Vector matrix
so like if you have a combat dumby whos actions are attack() defend() and etc you can reward those weights and make adaptive behavior for any function determined by how it recieve rewards.
In this example they are the order of databases queried so it may provide most relevant responses.


Wait oh okay this makes a bit more sense.

It’s getting a bit more clear. Thanks for the explanation :slight_smile:

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Yes so the weight is just a big table to use for convienence and functionality. Setting it up may be tricky but you could always start with a blank slate! I just wanted to start with predefined weights. But This will be improved in functionality in the future. But the concept was escaping me too before yesterday and it just clicked.


Mhm. Do you have a lot of experience with this type of stuff? It seems like you’ve been working on this typa stuff for a while

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It’s just really simple stuff it’s a position in space and you adjust it. You can do it with blocks but I wanted to make this efficient so i used tables because I know that vectors3 are slower. The higher X is the most likely action. But a good model needs good input. My input for the model is generated by my chatmodule that outputs the accuracy of the response. this is used to adjust the weight of x along with the frequency of that database being accessed and each labels context function. So like you can set up los or gan for the context by being like hey if you get damaged you get los for attacking. or if you make successful hit you get gan.
I do everything! I make animations, photoshop, programming, prodeural world generation

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Wow you’ve got a huge skill set. in the future ima try to recreate what you jst did

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I’m glad to hear that! I’m really proud of the chatmodule I released it’s very useful and simple to use. All the function are set up to take the minimal variables but they look more complicated than they are.
They are also very efficient! I just updated it recently and the synonym and reflection retrieval is very useful.
I’ve seen other developers copying my source code not providing feedback and just making their own chatbots which is cool. :stuck_out_tongue: the only thing I haven’t open source is the personalities or my text data and the API structure.