New Menu GUI is annoying

I know Roblox trying to make the UI sleeker and more modern, but I Think that they should’ve given developers at least I month to update their UI so that buttons aren’t overlapped by the new UI. Like this.
Screenshot 2024-02-23 224203
I like the design a lot, but it can get very annoying to have to deal with it.


You are able to find out your clients TopBar Version through scripts and change it for those who have the updated TopBar

Well to be fair, it’s been in beta on studio for quite some time at this point. Their has been a new topbar+ version made for it as well although it is still slightly buggy its functional for the most part.

They’ve given everyone a lot more than a month, the first post in announcements was made in August 2023.

The positions were then changed in a update in November 2023.

It was quite a lot of time to change the UI.