Here is a new mid poly sword I’ve been working on. I call it Solaris. Any and all feed back is welcome. There are a few things that I’m not happy with on this model, but I’ll wait to see what everyone has to say.
It’s amazing!! I definetely love the style you went with but theres 1 thing that’s keeping me a bit botherd. You should make the top of the sword a little thinner, it looks a slight bit too thick. Besides that though, I truly love the designs and the neat colors you decided to implement!
its cool but may lag a bit when using it
Thanks for the critique. This has actually been a concern from the initial concept phase of this blade. It’s almost like a metal sheath that wraps the blade at the top that’s giving it a bit of an unbalanced look. I may have to keep most of the shape, but scrap the sheath idea. This should thin the top out a bit and even lower poly count which is a plus. Thanks for the comment on the colors. I’ve been studying this a bit more, I’m glad to see some results.
Thanks for the heads up. What would you say a safe tri count for Roblox games? I usually try to keep them under 1k, this blade is around 1.3k. I may have to start working back toward lower poly models.