New Modern House

My recently made Mansion! What do you think?



  1. The top grey parts on the walls could use a different material to provide some contrast.
  2. I would change the grass to pebble, as it provides a stronger base for the concrete panels across the ground.
  3. The walls of the house could use some lights.
  4. Where’s the door bell?


  1. The first thing that’s bugging me a lot is the lighting. Please tone that down a lot more. Brighter doesn’t always mean more realistic!
  2. The top areas of the wall can use some detailed crown molding
  3. You can add some rugs or more paintings on the walls
What I use when building buildings.


Appreciate the feedback! I will keep this into consideration in the future.


I think this looks so cool! As @Crazedbrick1 mentioned I think the lighting needs to be a bit more dim, honestly it looks so realistic! Great job!

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crown moldings aren’t used as often in modern houses as they give it an older feeling when they are trying to make it feel futuristic not old.

Nice build overall.

  • Roof missing LOTS of detail, this could ruin the whole map. Recommend adding details to the roof such as pipes, etc.

  • I do recommend textures, photorealism pack has many great textures. Suggest you use them:
    Photorealism Pack

  • Yard is missing the detail you’ve done in the house. Update the yard.

  • Small varieties of light colours would look nice.

Good luck.