[NEW] Ninja Vs Saber Tycoon! [RELEASED!]

Hello there! :hidere:

I am DevMaxRBLX (you can call me Max -which is not my real name -)
this is my first ever post created on the Developer Forums, and I feel like I have accomplished something which I never in a million years thought I would be doing.

I started off playing :roblox: Roblox games MANY MANY years ago, I’d say about :eight: years ago.
So I really, really enjoyed playing the games and I always had the thought, these are some real imaginative games, and I wonder how they are created. I discovered Roblox studio in 2015 and since then I have been Developing things which I have always been curious about.

I have never released a successfully made game however and I finally think I am ready to release it! :happy2:

This did not take long, and I have created this project to start off my developing career and expand my imagination. Every Robux :robux: I make from this game will be used to fund my upcoming projects which will make me more and more successful each time. i created this game with the help of a few people!
Credit to:

Feedback will REALLY be appreciated as I have never asked for any feedback on my past work and I really hope this tycoon is different from other tycoons. I have asked a few players about ideas they would like in a tycoon and I have put it in.

Here is The Brand :new: ! Ninja Vs Saber Tycoon!:
Ninja Vs Saber Tycoon [NEW!!] - Roblox!

Please be sure to like and favourite the game if you enjoyed and also feedback is much appreciated! :+1:

Thank you for reading this post! :smile:

If you have any inquiries about this topic or would like to talk about something!
Hit me up on discord at DevMaxRBLX#3994


Also, let me know if this post is set up well :+1:
Thank you! :smile:

– DevMaxRBLX


Post is good, I’ll check out the game and give you some feedback.


Thank You! I will be there! :smile:


Great work for your first publicly released game! I think that it is a good concept. I would love to hear some type of game music and also I feel that the sun ray effects were a tad harsh. Other than that I think that this is a great first step. I hope to see more work from you in the future :smile:

Best wishes,


Lets just hope that the game doesn’t flop instantly.


I’m sure that with enough out-sourcing (i.e advertising), and regular updates, that this game could do really good.


Checking it out right now! Looks great! I wish you a great future, this game has great potential.


Thank you so much, i will use your advice! :smile:


Thank you! :smile: [30charsss]


Yeah, hopefully it doesn’t :frowning:


It seems like a nice game that many kids would enjoy, though I myself am not really a huge fan of tycoon games (unless you are talking about theme park tycoon which I find myself really enjoying).

I would say it is well-made, however it is still like the average tycoon game and lacks originality . I think you should try to add a twist to it to make it seem original.

Overall, I’d think it would do okay. My estimate is that with proper advertising, you could average around 150 - 500 concurrent players.

Good luck getting your game out there.


Thank you very much, i am going to put 25k towards ads and sponsors!


I checked out you game, and its actually very good! Tycoons has “evolved” into simulators, and simulators are a lot more well-built than tycoons. This game is very nice, very well made, but perhaps you will not get popular since tycoons have died. The map is made beautifully. I have a few comments.

  • For the red arrow, it looks like the text "extra is a little bit shifted right.

  • For the blue arrow, the + image seems to be shifted down.

  • For the black and green arrows, I would suggest making the “330Z” and
    “1805” larger, or in a different color, so it stands out more.


  • Your gamepass images don’t quite fit the style of a “cartoony” game

Otherwise, your game is off to a spectacular start! Keep up the good work, and I wish you the best of luck!

P.S. I made it on the leaderboard!


Thank you a lot, i will keep in mind of what you said and update the game!

Thank you! – DevMaxRBLX


Overall the concept is really good, but there’s a lot of models that seem out of place. As I mentioned, there’s some swords on the ground that are nearby spawn with barely anything surrounding it, I also saw there was a red jem that I couldn’t pick or nor use. I also saw that you could easily get out of the map, because some areas did not have invisible walls, which caused me to see a baseplate at the bottom below. (See screenshots below)

Here’s the things I noticed,

I saw a unfilled hole
image Saw baseplate below
image I don’t know if you can notice this, but the hills surrounding the island are floating.


Alright, this is awesome! I really like the fact that you could spot these minor things which can lead to big problems! :smile:

I will fix those problems and also the gem is just for fun! As i really like gems, i just put one in that you can kick around xD

Thank you So much for spotting these mistakes!



Well, to say the least, I’m very impressed! :+1: I can’t imagine this not becoming very popular in the future! I’m a massive fan of classic tycoons, and these kinds of games just inspired me to become a developer.
I’d personally love to see a soundtrack to this game just to put the icing on the cake. Or, maybe when you are on the Ninja side, you’d have traditional Japanese music playing, and when you are on the Saber side, you’d have Sci-Fi or futuristic music.
Anyways, I love the creative liberties taken into account when making this game! The currency isn’t “Cash” or “Dollars”, instead it’s “Zen” which is very unique and creative in my opinion.
I love the idea of “Ninja’s vs. Sabers”, as it’s really quite excellent and not very common.

Anyways, I love this game, the building style is amazing, and I’d like to encourage you on your development journey! Creativity’s the limit. :wave:


None of the hills are floating, the lighting just makes it look like it

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Dang, thanks a lot. We have decided to add music to our tycoon to give it a final touch :smile:!
Thanks for the feedback and i had to think of something unique for my first game so here it is!

I am planning something way WAY bigger, which me and @mhty5 are going to eb working on together!

Thank You SO Much! :happy2:


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